What is Red Eye Coffee? A Quick Way to Make it

red eye vs black eye coffee

Millions of individuals consume coffee daily to get their day started or remain up at night. Regular coffee may not always provide the energy boost you require for a day. Some would advise you to make red eye coffee. I’ll explain in detail about making it as well.

But what if you infused your coffee with a slug of espresso? A few of these mixtures have acquired distinctive names, one of which is “Red Eye.”

If you drink coffee, you’ve undoubtedly encountered this flavor. Most people don’t know about this coffee taste. I came up with an idea to help you identifying perfect taste of red eye and making guide as well.

The term “red eye” refer to the amount of caffeine in your mug of coffee. I’ll explain in detail about this type of coffee, how much caffeine is in it, and how to prepare your own cup of coffee at home.

Why the term Eyes?

We must agree that if you are unfamiliar with the words, the names of each of these beverages may sound a little odd. That’s exactly how I felt when I first got their names, which have new accents.

term red eye

When we talk about the “eyes” in coffee, we’re talking about the espresso shots, which are altered to render it more potent. This coffee is the simplest, among caffeinated coffees available for purchase or easy home preparation. 

So let’s examine the vast varieties of coffee eyes in more detail.

What is Red Eye Coffee?

The exact origins of red eye coffee are unclear, but it likely gained popularity in the 1990s in the United States. The Red Eye Coffee was initially referred to as “shot in the dark” due to its mysterious origins. Because of the common phenomenon of passengers’ eyes turning red during flights, the term “red eye” came to be commonly used with coffee. 

This is the most frequently consumed Coffee especially when an individual become much tired. It is a trendy beverage. A standard cup of coffee is made into a Red eye by adding one shot of espresso.

It can be served hot or chilled (iced red eye coffee). It is a wonderful choice if you need a boost in energy.

Why is it called Red Eye Coffee?

Compared to conventional coffee, it offers a richer flavor and an energy boost. The word “red eye” refers to eyes that become red that you may see if you haven’t slept enough.

A major difference between the Red Eye vs Black Eye coffee is the number of shots of expresso contained in each cup. To make red eye, simply pour freshly brewed coffee into a warm cup, add a shot of espresso, and swirl to combine. 

Red eye Espresso is popular due to its mild caffeine boost without overburdening your coffee. This coffee is also known as “Hammerhead coffee.”

The caffeine content in Red Eye Coffee

This beverage contains a single slug of espresso so you can anticipate a lot of caffeine. I must first grasp how much caffeine is included in a typical coffee cup to fully comprehend it.

About 96 mg of caffeine is present in a regular coffee cup. Contrarily, one shot of espresso (around 30ml) contains about 64mg of caffeine. The combination of the two of these results in a massive cup of coffee with the following amount of caffeine:

Red Eye: 96 mg + 64 mg = 160 mg

caffeine content of coffee

It implies that adding a shot of espresso gives you the caffeine equivalent of more than 1.5 cups of plain brewed coffee in only one cup.

Isn’t it enough to wake you up at night? However, if you combine more robust coffees with espresso, the caffeine content may increase consistently.

Nutritional Facts of Red Eye Coffee:

Coffee drinks serves different purposes. The red eye coffee also gives us various health benefits. It is helpful in avoiding dizziness and keep our mind alert for hours. The energy boost or awaken mind activity is also due to caffeine level in red eye coffee.

The standard cup of a red eye coffee contains about 8 mg of sodium, 4 mg of calcium and 120 mg of potassium. Sodium is good for adding flavor to our food and works stabilizer. Calcium is helpful in efficiency of physiological activities but its normal level is reduced due to high amount of caffeine.

How to make Red Eye Coffee?

Making red eye is relatively easy. As long as you properly prepare a plain Red Eye drink coffee, you may also explore with espresso condiments for the additional beverages.


Making a cup of Red Eye requires the following:

  • 1 cup (0.24 l) of freshly made coffee
  • one shot of espresso (30 ml or 1 Oz)


  1. Prepare your coffee first. Apply your chosen technique to this. For this recipe, I often use Chemex coffee maker.
  2. Start brewing the coffee and get ready to make your espresso shot. You can make coffee with a Moka pot, AeroPress, or espresso machine.
  3. Add the coffee to your mug as soon as it’s prepared.
  4. After that, add the espresso and swirl it into the freshly made coffee.
  5. Add some milk, cream, or sugar if you’d like.
  6. Enjoy your cup of Red Eye!
red eye coffee recipe card

What does Red Eye Coffee taste like?

The flavors might differ depending on the espresso used and the coffee’s brewing method.

Generally speaking, you may consider it to taste more affluent and more potent than regular coffee. A red eye has the flavor of robust drip coffee with an espresso kick. The additional dose of caffeine from the espresso may give the coffee a faint acidic taste.

taste of red eye

 A Red Eye is an attractive option if you want a robust coffee with a little kick. I also prefer to add a tiny bit of milk or cream to temper the strong tastes.


All you have to do is make your coffee selection on the chores you need to do. To get yourself into “eye coffee,” start with red eye. However, if it isn’t potent enough, please try a black eye or dead eye coffee. If you desire to consume excess caffeine enlargement, go for it.  Nonetheless, be careful not to consume more than 400 mg daily maximum.


The red eye coffee is potent since it contains a shot of espresso and a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Moreover, you can make it more strong by adding three of shot of espresso to make it triple red eye coffee.

Yes, you may easily order a red eye at Starbucks since this coffee is famous and well-liked. Make clear that you want a cup of coffee with one espresso shot if you encounter an unskilled barista.

The red Eye is on Starbucks’ hidden menu; however, it is not typically available there. One espresso shot are added to a cup of standard coffee, which can be consumed hot or cold.

This drink falls regarding caffeine content in it. Request for a coffee with one slug of espresso added if the barista is unfamiliar with this concoction.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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