What is Cortado Coffee and How to make it Perfectly?

cortado coffee

People wakeup after sound sleep of night at that time they want to take something that can change bitter taste of their mouth which is due to low secretion of saliva. They look around to take any drink like bed tea and coffee.

Here we suggest you to take Cortado coffee as it is a best option which I am also using from years. Among other coffee drinks, cortados coffee is the best one as it boosts your energy level. It always takes the place of my top priority coffee drinks.

Although it’s not very popular among people but it gains a level high demanding beverage in coffee shops.” What are cortados?” we will explain it in detail so keep your eyes open!

Italians are acknowledged for their more than 70% contribution to coffee drinks all over the world but Cortado coffee serves in the Spanish way, as it is originated from the country of Spain “Basque”.

Coffee lovers of Spain use the word “Italian café letter” for cortado coffee. Now this fabulous drink is used throughout the world I n cortado café.

What is cortado?

Cortados is just a type of coffee drink for those people who like strong taste and espresso. Cortado espresso is lessor known coffee drink but mostly cafes have it on their menu. For your convenience we will tell you here that what is cortados and how to make it.

The milk used in cortado is not very foamy but slightly frothy. “Café cortado receta” are you wondering what I have written here? These Spanish words “Café cortado recete” means “coffee cut recipe” that is written in various coffee books.

History of Cortado Coffee

Cortado coffee, derived from Spanish word “cortar” means “to cut” also known as a “Café Cortado,” is a type of espresso-based drink that originated in Spain. It is made by cutting equal parts of espresso and steamed milk, resulting in a balanced flavor and texture.

Moreover, Cortado coffee has also become popular in many parts of the world, including Europe and South America.

Milk in the Cortado Coffee

Milk can also provide the additional benefit of reducing the high acidity of coffee. A cortado coffee has a higher milk content than a macchiato and a lower milk content than a cappuccino, two classic Italian coffee drinks.

In addition, the milk is steamed rather than being unduly frothed, giving the beverage a different texture from typical Italian coffee drinks. Due to the same logic, the cortado and flat white another beverage made with nearly equal volumes of espresso and warm milk—are frequently contrasted.

milk in cortado coffee

The cortado’s heated milk is steamed, but still, it doesn’t contain as much foam or milk froth as other Italian coffee drinks, which is also crucial to note. The cortado coffee has become increasingly popular among coffee enthusiasts because of its straightforward composition and widespread recognition.

Customizing or changing the drink’s size is frequently out of the question because of its fixed lower size.

Cortados vs Latte

Cortados is a balanced based flavor of coffee drink. Cortados is not a latte art but it’s a purely balanced flavor based coffee drink for the coffee lovers who need strong espresso all the time. You can also read about latte recipe. However, difference between Cordatos and latte is:

Cortados are made with two shots of espressoLatte is made with 1 to 2 shots of espresso
It served in 4 ounce cup or some time gibraltar which is a rock glassIt is served in 8 ounce cups sometimes bigger then 8 ounce
The milk texture is light about 2 ounce8 ounce milk from any where which have no specific texture
Thin layer of microfoamThin layer of micro froth at the top

The above table shows the latte vs coffee difference by comparing its ingredients concentration and specification. Another similar drink that usually confuses people with cortados is “is “, the milk used in cappuccino is 5 ounce and lightly frothier than cortados.

Cappuccino has more textured milk and has a thick microfoam layer while cortados has thinner microfoam layer.  Unlike cortados coffee, cappuccino is served in cups of 6 ounce.

Cortados Starbucks

The cortado isn’t on Starbucks’ menu, which is surprising. It’s not really an official Starbucks coffee drink, so be ready to explain how to make it if the barista isn’t familiar with the process. As cortado coffee is not officially available at cortado coffee Starbucks.

cortado Starbucks coffee

Ask a double shot of coffee with 2 ounces of steamed milk on the top of the cup, when placing your order. The typical espresso, or caffè corto, fills the cup to a depth of 50 mm.

Cortado coffee recipe

Since cortados don’t have a microfoam layer, they are simpler to create than cappuccinos and lattes as they don’t need any specific frothing methods. A cafe-style cortado coffee may be made with just a simple espresso setup, therefore we frequently suggest it to newbies who are new to producing espresso at home.

Check to see if you already have the necessary tools and ingredients before learning how to prepare your next favorite caffeinated beverage.

1- Unroasted coffee beans

It is advised to just use properly roasted coffee that is seven to fourteen days old.

2- Espresso maker

To make espresso, you need the best espresso machine. This is the main equipment to make the espresso with milk foam.

3- Milk

Take your preferred milk and add it to the espresso to suit your palate! There are a variety of alternatives, including two percent Macadamia,  whole, Soy, and Almond.

When you arrange all these things you can start preparing your homemade cortado coffee as you have all the necessary tools and components. Here is a straightforward recipe with only three steps that we developed to assist you.

How to make a cortado coffee?

Step 1. Get the coffee beans ground

Finely ground coffee beans provide the greatest espresso, and burr grinders are preferred because they generate more consistent particles than blade grinders do. For the freshest coffee possible, grind the beans right into the portafilter.

Step 2. Squeeze the beans

Tamping is the following action. A tamper resembles a stamp in that it is a small, circular weight with a handle. The tamper is used to compact the coffee beans into a uniform disc.

This will optimize the water is probably contact with coffee and assure that the portafilter can enter and exit the device appropriately. Avoid pressing the disc too firmly to avoid compacting it. Lightly press and then release while giving a small twist.

Step 3. Get the glass ready

Putting hot water into a small glass like a “Gibraltar glass”  you can warm it up.

Step 4. Prepare 1 or 2 espresso shots

Place the portafilter into the device carefully, then crank the handle to secure it. The hot water should be poured out from gibraltar glass and placed in the portafilter. You may need to flip a switch and press a button on your espresso maker in order for the coffee to pour into the cup.

Step 5. Steamed milk

You can now use the steam wand to discharge any built-up steam from your machine. To remove any residue from the wand, release a modest amount of steam into the a cloth or sponge.

Completely fill your frothing pitcher with whole milk and you can also use oat milk or oat cortado, coconut, barista style almond milk. Before inserting the wand into the pitcher’s center.

Till the outer surface of the jug feels warm when touched and a very small quantity of foam has formed, keep the heating wand submerged in the milk.

Step 6. Pour the milk

Add the milk gradually to the espresso in the glass. Now serve right away and enjoy cortado coffee with your family and friends.

A cortado can provide you with a caffeine pack coffee that boost your energy level that you need, without getting the disadvantage of consuming a complete cup of coffee or a large, milky latte if you’re working long hours or up late studying.

But on the other hand, it’s also not overpowering like some people find plain espresso to be. For many coffee enthusiasts, cortados represent a happy medium. Before going to our final thoughts I want to explain some similar names of cortado drinks like iced cortado and cortado Nespresso.

Ice cortado is just like cortado coffee but when we served this coffee drink on ice then we call it ice cortado while cortado Nespresso has cold milk unlike streamed milk used in cortado.

Unique characteristics of Cortado

Differences between Cortado and other espresso-based drinks:

Cortado coffee is similar to other espresso-based drinks such as cappuccinos, lattes, and macchiatos, but it has some distinct differences. Cortado coffee typically has a stronger espresso flavor and less milk than a latte, and a thinner layer of foam than a cappuccino. It is also typically served in smaller cups than other espresso drinks.

Coffee beans role in the flavor and strength of Cortado:

The type and quality of coffee beans used in Cortado coffee can greatly impact the flavor and strength of the cortado’s drink. Along with the quality and freshness of the coffee beans you are using for your Cortado, it is also important to consider the roast level of the beans.

The darker roast beans may provide a bolder and more intense flavor, while a lighter roast may offer a brighter and more nuanced flavor profile. Experimenting with different beans and roast levels can help you find the perfect balance for your personal taste preferences.

The importance of proper espresso extraction in the Cortado recipe:

Proper espresso extraction is crucial for achieving the desired flavor and strength in Cortado coffee. If the espresso is under-extracted, it will taste weak and watery, while an over-extracted espresso will taste bitter and unpleasant.

Therefore, Careful attention to the brewing process and the use of proper equipment can help to ensure a perfectly extracted espresso for your Cortado.

The use of different types of milk in Cortado coffee:

Cortado is typically made with cow’s milk, which is steamed to a slightly frothy consistency. However, other types of milk and milk alternatives, such as almond, soy, or oat milk, can also be used in Cortado.

Keep in mind that the choice of milk affects the flavor and texture of the final drink, so it is important to choose a milk that complements the flavor of the espresso.

Tips and techniques for making Cortado coffee at home:

Making Cortado at home can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it does require some knowledge and skill.

It is important to use high-quality espresso beans and a reliable espresso machine, as well as proper techniques for grinding, tamping, and brewing the espresso. Steaming and frothing the milk correctly is also crucial for achieving the desired texture and flavor in the final drink.

End words

I hope this brief introduction to “what is cortados coffee drink” and how to make  cortado coffee will be informative and you’ll try our cortado recipe. One of the easiest beverages to create for beginners is the cortado because it doesn’t take any particular skills or a lot of practice.

It’s also among the greatest beverages for someone who needs a quick energy boost but dislikes drinking espresso straight. The cortado has a strong caffeine kick while not being as potent and concentrated as pure espresso because it is made with equal measures of espresso and milk.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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