What is a Black Eye Coffee? How to make it?

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When we speak of the “eyes” in coffee, we are referring to the espresso shots, which are adjusted to make the coffee stronger.

These “eye” coffees are incredibly easy to create at home and require very little ingredients.

We explained in detail about what is black eye coffee as well as dripping (dead) eye coffee and making procedure.

Black Eye Coffee:

Two shots of espresso are included in the black eye drink. The flavor is more potent.

It is much more energetic than a red eye due to the high caffeine level. For coffee addicts who desire an extra-extra jolt of energy, it’s a good pick.

Why is it called Black Eye Coffee?

You might now be thinking about where “coffee black eye” originated. The black circle that appears on top of your coffee after the two espresso shots are poured is the exact reason black eye coffee got its name.

Why is it called Black Eye?

Ensuring the espresso shot is brewed freshly and poured into the coffee while it’s still hot is essential to creating an excellent Black Eye drink. 

The espresso shot won’t have the same impact if you add it after it has cooled down enough.

The caffeine content in Black Eye Coffee

If you recall, a cup of coffee weighing eight ounces contains around 96 milligrams of caffeine. You will consume 224 mg of caffeine when combined with two shots of espresso, which have roughly 64 mg of caffeine, respectively.

content of caffeine in Black Eye

As you may expect, this single cup of coffee is highly potent!

Black Eye coffee: 96mg + (64mg x 2) = 224mg of caffeine

Why people prefer black coffee?

There is no doubt some people like it for their own taste. Although, there are several other reasons as well apart from just enjoying the special aroma and taste of black coffee.

The major benefit is its high caffeine level because it optimizes the brain activity. The people who want to study late at night takes advantage from black coffee. There is no doubt about alertness of human brain due to this drink.

Apart from these benefits, researches show that black coffee is good for mood stabilizing and keep you alert all day. It is for sure that we feel more energetic and enthusiastic due to this beverage.  

How to make Black eye coffee?

Making black eye espresso is easy, and everyone can make it at home. You will need two espresso shots rather than just one. Here is the black eye coffee recipe!

What is a Black Eye Coffee? How to make it?

Recipe by George OliverCourse: Recipes


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time




  • Medium grind size coffee beans ½ Ounce

  • Finely ground coffee beans 1 Ounce

  • Finely filtered water 10 Ounce

  • Milk and sugar As per choice


  • Put filtered water in a coffee pot and heat until it boils.
  • You may use a French press, Pour over, and Kettle to boil water.
  • Stir the coffee in hot water to get a smooth consistency.
  • Set it aside.
  • Add the double shot of espresso.
  • Add milk and sugar as per your taste.
  • Black eye coffee is ready! Enjoy

Recipe Video


  • Medium grind size coffee beans ½ Ounce
  • Finely ground coffee beans 1 Ounce
  • Finely filtered water 10 Ounce
  • Milk and sugar As per choice


  1. Put filtered water in a coffee pot and heat until it boils.
  2. You may use a French press, Pour over, or a Gooseneck Kettle to boil water.
  3. Stir the coffee in hot water to get a smooth consistency
  4. Set it aside.
  5. Add the double shot of espresso.
  6. Add milk and sugar as per your taste.
  7. Black eye coffee drink is ready! Enjoy

What does Black Eye Coffee taste like?

However, the taste varies depending on the type of coffee used for ordinary brew and espresso, and it typically has a strong flavor than regular coffee.

What is a Dead Eye Coffee?

You may probably already guess what a dead eye coffee is now that you are aware of red eye vs black eye coffee. It’s essentially an expanded version of the coffee that the Black Eye and Red Eye drink coffee.

dead eye coffee

Three shots of espresso are added to brewed coffee to make dead eye coffee. The Triple Red Eye Coffee!

Why is it called Dead Eye Coffee?

Given how much caffeine is in it, it seems sensible that they term it a dead eye coffee. You won’t need to drink a lot of coffee because of the crazily high caffeine content to feel more energized. However, this coffee should not be taken carelessly.

In other words, so much caffeine will essentially shut down all of your major organs. Nevertheless, you can try it if you don’t mind the strong espresso flavor.

why is it dead eye?

There are other names for this robust cup of coffee beside the dead eye. The dead eye is also known as a triple red eye and a green eye coffee at Starbucks.

You are now aware of the meanings of red eye coffee, black eye drink, and dead eye coffee. For information on the caffeine content of each of these “boozy” beverages, keep reading.

How Much Caffeine is in Dead Eye Coffee?

You should be aware of how much caffeine is in your morning cup of joe before you begin putting three shots to it. Using the same calculations as previously, one cup of dead eye coffee has roughly 288 mg of caffeine.

quantity of caffeine in dead eye coffee

Dead Eye coffee: 96mg + (64mg x 3) = 288mg of caffeine

These coffee eyes’ caffeine content will keep you alert throughout the day. However, it is advised to drink this beverage sparingly. Caffeine should not be consumed in excess of 400 mg per day. It is a safe dosage for healthy adults.

Of course, the best way to determine if this is the appropriate choice for you is to pay attention to your body and mind. Caffeine overdose can cause diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, and sleeplessness. Caffeine overdoses that surpass 1200 mg in a short span of time can potentially cause epilepsy.

Dead eye coffee (Green eye coffee) (Triple red eye)

When using the preceding procedure, use three shots of espresso rather than two.

That’s all you need to know to brew your own red eye vs black eye vs dead eye coffee.

What does Dead Eye Coffee taste like?

Because the espresso overwhelms the black drip, it has the strongest caffeine spike and flavor. The flavor and scent of Dead Eye coffee are particularly strong.

While the drip coffee will have some sweetness, the espresso’s harshness will be more noticeable. To make the taste easier to sweeten, and easier to drink. , you may add little sugar and cream.

Final Verdict:

All you have to do is make your coffee selection on the chores you need to do. To get yourself into “eye coffee,” start with black eye coffee. However, if it is potent enough and you need a lighter one, please try red eye coffee. If you need an extra potent and milled then must go for dead eye coffee. If you desire to consume excess caffeine enlargement, go for it. Nonetheless, be careful not to consume more than 400 mg daily maximum.


The black eye coffee is very potent since it is making with two shots of espresso.

The Black Eye is on Starbucks’ hidden menu; however, it is not typically available there. Two espresso shots are added to a cup of standard coffee, which can be consumed hot or cold.

This drink falls between the Red Eye and the Green Eye regarding caffeine content. Request for a coffee with two slugs of espresso added if the barista is unfamiliar with this concoction.

A dead eye coffee is also known as a dripping eye coffee. Putting three shots of espresso into a drip coffee cup makes the Dead Eye coffee the robust and most caffeinated drink. This coffee is ideal if you need a morning grab or have to stay up late researching. It does have a quite punch, so beware!

The dead eye commonly referred to as the green eye, is a hidden menu item at Starbucks.  Even though it’s less frequent than the other two, you may try asking for it. You may request for adding three shots of espresso in a baked coffee when ordering it.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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