How to Make Perfect Coffee at Home? Top 15 Tips

how to make perfect coffee at home

Most of us today need a perfect cup of coffee to start our day. Meanwhile, when the café is closed, it seems difficult to get a perfect coffee to make our mind fresh. Therefore, it is very important for all coffee lovers to have skills about making a perfect coffee at home.

If that is indeed the situation, you can try making your cup of coffee. Do you want your coffee to be thick to stay within a spoon? Or do you want something light and lively, a moderate roast that isn’t too bitter?

It’s not difficult to make perfect coffee at home, and with the appropriate techniques, it may taste just as delicious as café coffee. Coffee making is an art and the benefits of coffee for your health are also remarkable.

There are a few factors to learn when brewing the perfect coffee cup: the ratio of coffee to water, the brew duration, the size of your coffee bean grinding. Moreover, the temperature of the water is very important factor while brewing your coffee. To make a good cup, all of these elements must come along.

Why we need coffee?

The variety of drinks are consumed by people depending on their needs and interests. Although, there are millions of coffee lovers in the world. Coffee is a magic drink to decrease depression and grow healthy heart.

Coffee is considered to be the energy booster drink for people going to work early morning. Different researches show that people who are addicted to coffee are less likely to suffer from type 2 diabetics.

A perfect cup of coffee that relinquishes you from all worries depends on the proper amount of ingredients being used.

How to Make Coffee at Home?

Making a perfect coffee at home is not a difficult task anymore. We have researched and experimented with various tricks to make delicious coffee at home, just like café. Here are some tips and tricks to make a perfect coffee without going to a café.

Tricks for making Perfect Coffee:

Here are 15 tips for café quality coffee at home:

  1. Buy the best coffee
  2. Store coffee beans
  3. Coffee weight scale
  4. Amount of coffee
  5. Grind only what you need
  6. Grind coffee beans
  7. Grinding coffee beans fine or coarse
  8. Use filtered water
  9. Proper brewing temperature for coffee
  10. Preheat your brew equipment
  11. Bloom coffee beans
  12. Fully saturate your coffee
  13. Use full-fat milk
  14. Clean coffee maker
  15. Coffee experiment

1. Buy the Best Coffee:

It’s acceptable to overspend on coffee. If you desire a perfect coffee cup, you require quality coffee beans.  A good option is roasted coffee beans. 

If you don’t have access to a local coffee roaster, you can still produce good coffee at home by buying entire bean coffee and grinding them yourself. Why use whole bean coffee?  Whole bean coffee is more delicious and fresh than ground coffee.

2. Store Coffee Beans:

Coffee beans should be stored carefully. Because oxygen is coffee’s sworn enemy, it must be maintained in an airtight jar. Also, avoid storing your coffee in the fridge (especially ground coffee). You can find our coffee beans choice also.

3. Coffee Weight Scale:

A tablespoon of one coffee may load substantially as little as a tablespoon of the other due to the volume and thickness of different coffees and mixtures. 

coffee scale to measure volume

Using a scale allows you to estimate by weight (rather than volume), ensuring that you know precisely how much coffee is pouring into your cup regardless of what you’re using.

4. Amount of Coffee:

The ratio of coffee to water influences how good or bad a coffee cup will be. So, how do you calculate how much coffee you’ll require? 

We advise a 1:12 ratio for our House Blend to help showcase its chocolate richness and smooth body. For our Sources, we propose a 1:14 ratio to help illustrate the more exquisite tastes and freshness. It is one of the cheapest ways to make coffee.

5. Grind only What you Require:

Don’t grind the entire bag of coffee beans in one go. Only grind the number of coffee beans you need to use to retain your at-home coffee as good as feasible.

6. Grind Coffee Beans:

You’ll receive consistent ground coffee if you’re using a burr grinder or a blade grinder. A burr coffee grinder generates less heat than a blade coffee grinder, which might lower the quality of the final coffee.

grind the beans

Burr grinders (explore here) are your most fantastic bean grinder that doesn’t decrease taste of the coffee at all.

7. Grinding Coffee Beans Fine or Coarse:

Various brewing processes necessitate varied grind sizes to create the perfect coffee. Depending on your brewing technique, you should ground your coffee differently. Drip coffee needs a medium grind, and French press coffee requires a coarse grind. 

You’ll be one step nearer to perfect coffee at home if you customize your grind setting according to time and flavor.

8. Use Filtered Water:

Water is essential when it comes to making coffee. Because coffee is roughly 98.5% water, the water quality you use significantly impacts your coffee’s flavor. And that is why I prepare my coffee and espresso beverages using filtered water.

filter water for perfect coffee

9. Proper Brewing Temperature for Coffee:

The water to brew the perfect cup of instant coffee in cold water should be between 195 and 205 °F. The temperature of the water determines the speed with which the coffee is extracted and the flavors that arise.

Too hot water removes bitter components from the coffee instead of pleasant ones. Although, hot coffee is not always a preferred choice because some people like cold coffee.

A cup with too cold water instant coffee will have a sour taste. Although a thermometer is helpful for testing temp, you should also use one to ensure that your water is sufficiently warm. Instant coffee with cold water is one favorite drink of any individual.

10. Preheat your Brew Equipment:

On a hand brew machine or drip brewer, you should reheat each part of the material used throughout the brewing process because the temp of your brew water (195–205 F) won’t decrease drastically while the brewing procedure if you do it this way.

The equipment includes your coffee cup, filter, portafilter (espresso), brewer, pouring pitcher,  and other accessories.

11. Bloom Coffee Beans:

Pour enough boiling water to shelter the ground coffee and wait 30 seconds. Blooming unlocks the most lavish tastes hidden in the ground coffee to relish your sense of taste. Blooming usually takes twice as much water as the quantity of coffee you’ve taken.

12. Fully Saturate your Coffee:

When making coffee, make sure that all the coffee beans come in touch with the water simultaneously. This enables a consistent extraction for the best flavor.

Giving your coffee a little swirl shortly after pouring your water within the bloom stage is the best method to ensure that all of your coffee is moist.

13. Use full-fat Milk:

When feasible, use full-fat milk. It contains the right amount of fat (about 4%) to go with your cup of coffee and helps to minimize the acidity. 

Avoid adding cream since the excessive fat content covers your tongue’s taste receptors, making it impossible to detect the coffee’s flavors.

14. Clean Coffee Maker:

Your coffee will taste better if your equipment is kept clean. Every several days, clean the storage boxes and grinders to eliminate any greasy residue. It will also assist you in saving money in the long term on your equipment.

15. Coffee Experiment:

It is half the pleasure to experiment with various coffee origins and the numerous methods to prepare it! Making coffee is both a science and art since it all comes down to how inventive you can be with the variables to make the perfect coffee at home!

perfect coffee experiment


Overall It’s all about savoring that perfect coffee cup. Experiment with the amount of coffee you use, the temperature of the water, grind size and other factors to get the perfect coffee brew at home. Allow your taste sensations to serve as a guide to heaven.


The proper water, the appropriate roast, and your attention are required to make the ideal cup of coffee. As tempting as it is to toss your grinds into a Coffee machine and wander off, you’re unlikely to get the desired results.

In an airtight container preserved from the sun and far from heat, coffee will last for 4-5 weeks.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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