How to Make Nitro Cold Brew Coffee at home?

how to make nitro cold brew coffee

Learning how to make nitro cold brew coffee isn’t as difficult or time consuming as you might think. The most important component of the process is having freshly ground and roasted beans, so make sure to have quality beans that are meant for cold brewing.

What is Nitro Cold Brew?

Nitro cold brew is a type of coffee that has been carbonated and infused with nitrogen gas. This gives the drink a creamy, velvety texture and a cascading visual effect when poured into a glass.

Moreover, Nitro cold brew coffee has a smooth taste, creamy and refreshing drink that has become incredibly popular over the past few years.

It can be found in many cafes and restaurants but you don’t have to leave home to enjoy this delicious beverage – you can make nitro cold brew right at home!

History of Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

Nitro cold brew coffee has been around since the late 1990, but it became popular from 2010. It was developed by Toddy, a company that specializes in cold brew coffee equipment.

history of nitro cold brew coffee

Their special brewers use a process of slow-drip cold brewing which extracts the flavor and caffeine from ground beans without using heat. However, if you want traditional taste, hot brewed coffee is the ultimate choice.

This method of brewing creates a smoother and less acidic beverage than what is made with hot brew methods.

Traditional Brewing Method of Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

Learning how to make nitro cold brew is easy, Simply put the coffee grounds with cold, filtered water in a container and let it steep for 12-24 hours at room temperature.

Once the coffee is steeped, cold water and a Nitro Cold Brew concentrate are added to create a strong, creamy beverage.

Strain out the filter grounds using a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth and transfer the liquid to an airtight container.

Finally, add a nitro concentrate and stir until completely dissolved. Serve over ice cubes and enjoy your delicious homemade Nitro Cold Brews!

Ingredients for Nitro Cold Brew:

The ingredients to make Nitro Cold Brew in own kitchen are fairly simple. All you need is:

  • Freshly coffee ground preferably own coffee beans
  • 32 fluid ounces Cold or iced filtered water
  • 16 fluid ounces Nitro Cold Brew concentrate
  • A pitcher for the final product (preferably one with an airtight lid).

Direction to make Nitro Cold Brew

nitro cold brew step 1
nitro pour coffee in flask step 2
infused with nitro cold brew step 3

Step 1:

  • Start by grinding your beans to a coarse, medium grind size. Make sure it’s not too fine or else you’ll end up with an overly bitter cup of coffee.

Step 2:

  • Add the ground coffee to a container and cover it with cold, filtered water.

Step 3:

  • Stir the mixture until all of the coffee grounds have been evenly dispersed and let it sit at room temperature for 12-24 hours.

Step 4:

  • After the steeping period, strain out the coffee grounds using a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth and transfer the liquid to a container with an airtight lid.

Step 5:

  • To finish, add a nitro concentrate to the cold brew coffee and stir until completely dissolved.

Nitro Cold Brew is ready:

  • Serve over ice and enjoy your delicious homemade Nitro Cold Brew!

            Why Should You Try Homemade Nitro Cold Brew?

            Making your own nitro brew at home has several advantages over buying it from a coffee shop. The first is that it will cost you less, since you don’t have to pay lot of money at coffee shop.

            Plus, if you’re looking for an extra kick of caffeine, Nitro Cold Brew can deliver more than regular cold brew.

            Another great advantage of making cold brew at home is that you can customize your Nitro Cold Brew according to your preferences, which isn’t always possible at coffee shops.

            You can experiment with different ratios of nitro concentrate, coffee grounds and water until you find the perfect flavor and strength for you.

            What is the ratio for Nitro cold brew coffee?

            The perfect ratio for nitro cold brew coffee is 1:8. This means one part of ground coffee to eight parts of water. You can also experiment with different amounts and ratios, depending on how strong you like your coffee.

            How to Make Nitro Cold Brew with a Whipped Cream Dispenser?

            For a fun and easy way to make nitro cold brew coffee, look no further than your kitchen. A whipped cream dispenser makes the perfect tool for creating this delicious beverage with minimal effort.

            How to Make Nitro Cold brew with a Whipped Cream Dispenser

            To start, combine the concentrated cold brew base with an equal amount of simple syrup in the dispenser. Then charge it with two N2O chargers and shake vigorously for at least 30 seconds.

            The whipped cream will create a beautiful, thick foam that you can pour over your cold brew coffee.

            Alternative Cold Brewing Methods

            If you’re not a fan of the traditional cold brew method, there are some other ways you can make nitro cold brew. For example, using an AeroPress or French Press is a great way to get that creamy texture without having to wait 12-24 hours.

            For those who prefer the more classic hot brewing methods, you can also use a pour over or an espresso machine to make nitro cold brew.

            The key is to use a coarser ground size than normal and let the coffee steep before straining and adding the nitro concentrate.

            No matter which method of cold brewing you choose, making cold brew coffee at home is sure to be a delicious and refreshing treat.

            With the right ingredients, equipment and knowledge, anyone can make this creamy caffeinated beverage in just a few easy steps.

            So, grab your favorite ground beans, cold or iced water and nitro concentrate, and start making your own Nitro Cold Brew today!

            Using an Espresso Machine to Make Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

            Another easy answer of how to make nitro cold brew is with an espresso machine. Start by combining the concentrated cold brewed coffee base with cold water in a blender and blend until smooth.

            Then, pour the mixture into an espresso machine’s portafilter, or filter holder. Press the “brew” button and allow the mixture to extract for at least 30 seconds.

            When finished, slowly release the nitrogen into the coffee using a long-stem nitro wand.

            Using an AeroPress to Make Nitro Cold Brew

            Are you searching how to make nitro cold brew without espresso machine and French Press.

            Don’t worry, Aeropress is another popular brewing method for making nitro cold brew coffee. It involves adding cold water and ground coffee to a chamber, stirring the mixture for 15-30 seconds, then pushing it through a filter.

            This method takes around 5 minutes from start to finish and yields a smooth and rich nitro cold brew beverage.

            The Pour-over method of Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

            The pour-over method of making Nitro coffee is a great way to get the same delicious results as with an Aeropress or espresso machine, but without all the fuss.

            Start by weighing out your ground coffee beans and setting up your desired filter in a chemex or similar carafe. Slowly pour water which is cold and filtered over the grounds and let it drip through until all the water is used up.

            Once finished, add a nitro concentrate to the cold brew coffee and stir until completely dissolved. Serve over ice and enjoy your delicious homemade Nitro Cold Brew!

            A Standard Coffee Maker

            If you don’t have an aerosol cream dispenser, espresso machine or French press to make nitro coffee, a standard drip coffee maker may also do the trick.

            To get started, add ground coffee and water that is cold and filtered to your machine’s filter basket. Then turn on the machine and allow the mixture to brew for few hours.

            Once finished, add a nitro concentrate or cream dispenser and stir until fully dissolved. Serve over ice and you’ll have an incredibly delicious cold brew that’s easy to make!

            Nitro Cold Brew Machine

            For those looking for a more automated way to make nitro brew, there are several machines that make the process easier.

            These machines use a unique blending technology to ensure the perfect combination of cold-brewed coffee, nitrogen and air is achieved. All you need to do is insert the grounds and water, then press a button to start the brewing process.

            nitro cold brew machine for coffee

            When finished, add a nitro concentrate to the cold brew coffee and serve over ice for an amazing cup of Nitro Cold Brew!

            The most popular Nitro Brew Machines in the market are espresso, and AeroPress as well as Cuisinart Nitro Cold Brewer. These machines brew delicious nitro cold brew coffee in minutes and dispenses it directly from its own tap.

            Difference Between Nitro Cold Brew coffee and Cold brew coffee

            Nitro coffee and regular cold brew coffee may look the same, but they have some key differences. Nitro is typically smoother, has a richer and creamier texture, and is served out of a nitro tap instead of from an ordinary coffee pot.

            The unique nitrogen infusion creates small bubbles that give it its creamy head and velvety texture. Regular cold brew coffee, on the other hand, is less creamy and has an overall more acidic taste profile.

            How much Caffeine is in Nitro Cold Brew?

            Nitro version brew typically contains more caffeine than regular cold brew. Depending on the beans used, a 12-ounce cup of nitro cold coffee can contain up to 150 milligrams of caffeine – roughly equivalent to two shots of espresso!


            Brewing nitro cold coffee is a great way to enjoy a delicious and creamy cup of joe without all the fuss. Whether you opt for the pour-over method, use a standard coffee maker or invest in a Nitro Cold Brew Machine, there are plenty of options available for making this delicious beverage at home!


            No, nitro and cold brew coffee have the same strength. The difference is that Nitro Cold Brew has a creamy texture due to being infused with nitrogen gas.

            Nitro Cold Brew can last up to a week when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

            Yes, nitro cold brew is a healthy alternative to regular coffee. It has fewer acidity levels and contains more antioxidants than regular coffee. Plus, it’s lower in caffeine so you can enjoy multiple cups without feeling jittery or experiencing coffee crashes.

            Nitro concentrate is a mixture of nitrogen, water and other compounds that is used to infuse the cold brew coffee with nitrogen gas. It helps give nitro cold brew its creamy texture and bubbly finish.

            Starbucks’ nitro brew coffee is made by combining freshly ground coffee with cold, filtered water in a container and letting it steep at room temperature for 12-24 hours.

            The mixture is then strained using a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth and is transferred to an airtight container.

            Finally, a nitro concentrate is added to the cold brew coffee and stirred until completely dissolved. The mixture is then served over ice for a delicious cup of Nitro Brew!

            A nitro cold brew typically contains filtered water, freshly ground beans, and a nitro concentrate. Depending on the recipe, it may also have additional ingredients like syrups, flavors or spices.


            • Tony White

              Tony White is your go-to expert when it comes to coffee machines and accessories. He has spent years exploring the world of coffee, from its origins to the latest innovations in brewing technology. Tony’s journey into the world of coffee began with a simple cup of black coffee and a desire to explore the intricate world of coffee. Over the years, he has immersed himself in the art of brewing, testing various coffee machines, and exploring the finest accessories to elevate your coffee experience As a seasoned writer and coffee enthusiast, Tony brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. His expertise covers not only the best coffee machines and accessories on the market but also the nuances of different coffee beans, roasting techniques, and sustainable practices. Importantly, Tony believes in full transparency and honesty in his work. He's committed to providing unbiased reviews and insightful information to help coffee lovers in making decision to select best coffee maker, coffee grinder, Moka pot or coffee accessories.

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