How to make Iced Vanilla Latte Coffee? Comprehensive Guide

how to make iced vanilla latte coffee

If you’re a fan of sweet, creamy coffee drinks, the iced vanilla latte is a classic drink that you’re sure to enjoy. It’s a refreshing beverage that’s perfect for warm weather, and with a few simple steps, you can easily make it at home.

A popular variation of this drink is the iced vanilla coffee, which adds a sweet and creamy twist to your regular iced coffee. 

What is an Iced Vanilla Coffee?

An iced vanilla coffee also known as iced vanilla latte is a cold coffee drink that is infused with vanilla syrup or flavoring.

It is typically made by adding a shot of espresso or brewed coffee to cold milk and vanilla syrup, then served over ice.

Some variations of this drink may include whipped cream or additional flavors such as caramel or chocolate.

Background Iced Vanilla Coffee 

The history of iced coffee is intertwined with the growth of coffee culture and the rise of specialty coffee shops.

Starbucks, one of the most popular coffee chains in the world, is credited with popularizing the iced vanilla latte. The drink was first introduced in the late 1990s as part of the company’s expansion into the “coffeehouse” market.

The drink quickly gained popularity as a refreshing and sweet alternative to traditional hot coffee beverages.

This type of iced latte became a hallmark of Starbucks’ menu, and it has since become a mainstay of coffee shops worldwide.

It is made with espresso, vanilla syrup, milk, and ice, and can be customized with additional flavors and toppings.

Similarly, the history of iced coffee can be traced back to the 19th century when it was first introduced in Europe and later became popular in the United States. 

In the 20th century, iced coffee gained popularity as a refreshing summer drink in the United States, especially in the southern states.

Overall, the popularity of vanilla lattes and iced coffee can be attributed to their refreshing taste and the versatility they offer in terms of customization. As coffee culture continues to evolve, we’ll likely see new variations and twists on these classic drinks in the future.

To make iced vanilla latte, you’ll need some brewed coffee, milk, vanilla syrup (essential), and ice. If you prefer a stronger coffee flavor, you can use espresso instead of regular coffee. 

Remember, Vanilla syrup is an essential ingredient to make a refreshing and perfect iced latte for hot days. You can easily make this delicious drink at home using simple ingredients and easy-to-follow steps. 

Iced Vanilla Latte Making Guide


To make iced vanilla latte, you will need the following equipment:

  • Coffee maker or Espresso Machine
  • Measuring cup or shot glass
  • French Press to make Milk Cream
  • Stirring spoon
  • Ice cube tray
  • Tall glass
  • Vanilla syrup (store-bought or homemade)

Ingredients for Iced Vanilla Latte:

  1. 1 cup of strong brewed coffee or 1-2 shots of espresso
  2. 1/4 cup of milk (you can use dairy or non-dairy milk)
  3. 2 tablespoons of vanilla syrup (you can use store-bought or make your own)
  4. Ice cubes
  5. Optional: whipped cream and additional flavorings


It is a refreshing and delicious drink that you can easily make at home. Here is a simple recipe to make iced vanilla coffee:

Step 1: Add 2 tablespoons of vanilla syrup to your coffee cup.

adding Vanilla Syrup in cup of coffee

Step 2: Brew or prepare your coffee or espresso into your coffee cup already having vanilla syrup and put aside. You can use a French press, drip coffee maker, or an espresso machine or nespresso machine.

 brew coffee using espresso or French Press

Your coffee cup should contain 20 ml (2 tablespoon) vanilla syrup and 40 ml brewed coffee.

iced vanilla latte scale cup

Step 3: Add 5-6 ice cubes into the separate coffee cup.

add ice cubes in your vanilla latte coffee glass

Step 4: Add 2/4 cup of milk into the coffee cup already having iced cubes.

Add milk into iced vanilla latte cup

Step 5: Add the mixture of brewed coffee and vanilla syrup on top smoothly.

add the mixture of brewed coffee and vanilla syrup on top and Enjoy iced vanilla latte

Step 6: Make a milk foam with French press.

Step 7: Add the milk foam on the top.

Enjoy your homemade iced vanilla coffee! You can also add whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel sauce on top for an extra special treat.

Variations of Iced Vanilla Coffee:

  • To make a skinny iced vanilla latte, use non-fat or low-fat milk and sugar-free vanilla syrup.
  • To make a French vanilla iced coffee, add a splash of cream or half-and-half to your milk and vanilla syrup mixture.
  • To make a vegan iced vanilla coffee, use almond milk or soy milk and vegan vanilla syrup.
  • To make an iced vanilla macchiato, add a layer of milk foam on top of your coffee and drizzle with vanilla syrup.

Starbucks Iced Vanilla Latte 

This type of Starbucks latte is a popular coffee beverage made with a double shot of espresso, vanilla syrup, and cold milk.

This drink is typically served over ice and can be customized to include additional flavors, such as caramel or hazelnut syrup, or alternative milk options, like almond or oat milk. 

This Starbucks coffee is widely available at Starbucks locations worldwide, and there are also various recipes available online to make the drink at home.

Iced Vanilla Latte vs Iced Vanilla Coffee 

The main difference between an iced vanilla latte and an iced vanilla coffee is that the former is made with espresso, while the latter is made with brewed coffee.

An iced vanilla latte is made by combining a shot of espresso with vanilla syrup, milk, and ice. The ingredients are mixed and then poured over ice, creating a sweet and creamy beverage with a strong coffee flavor.

On the other hand, iced vanilla coffee is made by brewing a cup of coffee and then adding vanilla syrup, milk, and ice. This results in a less intense coffee flavor than an iced latte, since the coffee is not as concentrated as an espresso shot.

Both iced vanilla lattes and iced vanilla coffees are refreshing drinks that are perfect for warm weather.

However, they can be customized with additional flavors, such as caramel or hazelnut, and can be made with different types of milk, such as almond or soy milk. 

Ultimately, the choice between an iced vanilla latte and an iced vanilla coffee comes down to personal preference and taste.

Making an iced vanilla coffee at home is easy and fun. With a few simple ingredients and some creativity, you can make a delicious and refreshing drink that rivals the ones you can get at Starbucks or other coffee shops.

Try different variations of this recipe to find your favorite one and enjoy your homemade iced vanilla coffee anytime!

Tips for Success

  • Measuring accurately
  • Choosing the right type of milk or alternative
  • Brewing and chilling coffee correctly
  • Storing and using vanilla syrup
  • Experimenting with variations


To sum up, vanilla coffee is a popular coffee beverage enjoyed by many around the world. The addition of vanilla syrup adds a sweet and delicious flavor to the coffee, and the use of different types of milk can also enhance the taste. 

We tried this delicious iced vanilla recipe in our kitchen and then provided an easy guide for you. Moreover, with so many variations and recipes available, coffee lovers can enjoy a wide range of tasty and refreshing vanilla-flavored drinks including classic vanilla latte. 


A French vanilla latte typically contains espresso, steamed milk, and French vanilla syrup. The recipe for a French vanilla iced coffee typically includes brewed coffee, vanilla syrup, and milk.

An iced vanilla latte from Starbucks typically contains around 120-170 calories. While a grande iced vanilla latte from Starbucks typically contains around 150-200 calories.

Additionally, according to the Starbucks website, a grande iced vanilla latte made with 2% milk has 190 calories.

A skinny vanilla latte is a coffee drink made with espresso, steamed nonfat milk, and sugar-free vanilla syrup.

“Skinny” typically refers to the use of nonfat milk and the omission of whipped cream to reduce the overall calorie and fat content of the drink.

Some coffee shops may also use a low-calorie sweetener instead of regular sugar. The result is a lighter, slightly sweet, and creamy coffee drink with a hint of vanilla flavor.

To make iced vanilla coffee with an espresso machine, pull a double shot of espresso and mix it with vanilla syrup and cold milk. Pour the mixture over ice, and you have a delicious iced vanilla coffee.

Yes, you can add other flavors to iced vanilla coffee, such as caramel syrup, hazelnut syrup, or chocolate syrup, to create a unique and flavorful drink.

Importantly, iced vanilla coffee should be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator. It can be kept for up to a week if it is properly stored

Yes, can make this by mixing equal parts of sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Then, add a teaspoon of vanilla extract and stir. Let the syrup cool down before using it.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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