How to make cold brew coffee: 5 Brewing Ultimate Guide

how to make cold brew coffee?
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What is cold brew?

According to Ashley Rodriguez, who is coffee expert, and owner of Barista, explains the term “cold brew” a word explains itself cold brew is coffee: brew cold! “Coffee prepared using the cold brew method!” Many people ask how to make cold brew coffee?

The answer is that the procedure of making an original cold brew from scrap takes much longer times usually a whole day or a night (12-24hrs). Because cold water is used to extract flavor from ground coffee rather than boiling water.

The coffee beans are coarsely ground, and they can be steeped in a variety of containers, ranging from a small pitcher with a filter to a large industrial one which takes much time. Many people get iced coffee instead of cold brew, which takes only few minutes to brew.

Is cold brew and Iced coffee being same?

Mostly people thought that cold brew is the other name for iced coffee. Yes, both they are alike but not exactly the same. Iced coffee is simply made by brewing the coffee by using a common method and after that chilling it either by pouring it over ice or refrigerating it.

cold brew coffee and iced coffee

The main difference between is cold brew can make by steeping coffee ground at room temperature for 12-24 hours then staining it and add concentrated coffee brew with water or milk to dilute it as per your requirement while Iced coffee is prepared from regularly brewed hot coffee then chilled and served over ice.

Make cold brew coffee

Making cold brew coffee has no rocket science, you can use a very simple method for making cold brew although it is different from cold foam recipe. The things that you may need are listed here.

Cold brew has many potential health benefits that includes gain in metabolic rate. That is why it is more effective than hot coffee. It is also helpful in improvising your mind state. It can reduce your chances of heart diseases.

These factors gives a lot of encouragement for taking this drink. By following the below methods, you can make cold coffee brew easily.

make cold brew coffee in pot


To make cold brew coffee you don’t need anything very special. The equipment that you will need you already have in your kitchen!

Here’s the list of what you need:

  1. Grinder for coffee beans: you can use any grinder to ground your coffee beans, the best one that we recommend is electric burr grinder as it grinds medium to coarse size coffee beans easily and in a short time. You can use a manual grinder also for grinding purposes of your beans.
  2. Jar, small container, pitcher, or jug
  3. Filter water: it’s not compulsory but filter water adds good flavor to your cold brew.
  4. Strainer and clean towel

Cold brew coffee ratio?

Before making cold brew it’s important to know the ratio among water to grounds and the concentration of cold brew to water or milk. We suggest the best ratio among cold-brew coffee ingredients are:

  • 1:4 (Ground : Water) that means one and half cup of ground in six cups of water.
  • 1:1 (Cold coffee brew: water/milk) which means adding an equal volume of cold-brew coffee concentration and milk or water. If you take 1 cup of cold brew then add 1 cup of water to finish your cold brew concentration. This ratio will vary as per your taste and how to finish cold brew.

How to make Cold Brew Coffee? 5 Unique Methods

Make cold brew coffee with an easy method here we explained it step by step and give a complete guide for coffee lovers.

steps of cold brew coffee

Step 1: Grind medium coarse coffee beans

Grind one and half cup dark roast coffee, grind beans medium to coarse.

Step 2: Mix coffee and water

Mix in six cups of filtered water. In a large jar or pitcher, combine the coffee grounds with filtered water and give it a gentle stir.

Step 3: Overnight steep

Let the coffee steep and tightly covered with a lid to protect it from bugs and dust particles. Refrigerate for a day and night (12 Hours). This is where the magic happens, and you don’t have to do anything! Simply wait for the coffee to brew.

Step 4: Strain/filter the coffee

Coffee should be filtered. Pour over coffee into a strainer lined with a towel or cheesecloth, and strain it into a separate container. Discard the unnecessary coffee grounds. Refill the jar with the cold brew concentrate, then chill. You can store this chilled for up to a week.

Step 5: Serve the coffee

Now your cold-brew coffee is ready to drink! To produce nine servings, dilute it with an equal mixture of coffee concentrate and cold water. After knowing how to make cold brew coffee, it is important to make it at least 12 Hours before you want to drink it!

Cold-brew coffee is very caffeinated and powerful but before diluting, which involves adding water to the concentrated cold-brewed coffee you can change the flavor’s intensity to suit your preferences while also lowering the caffeine content.

How to make cold brew coffee: 5 Brewing Ultimate Guide

Recipe by George OliverCourse: Recipes


Prep time


Steeping Time


Total time






  • 1 tablespoon instant coffee

  • ¼ cup warm water

  • 3 to 4 tablespoon raw sugar

  • 2 cups milk

  • 6 to 8 ice cubes


  • Grind medium coarse coffee beans
  • Mix coffee and water
  • Overnight steep
  • Strain/filter the coffee
  • Serve the coffee

Recipe Video

Can you heat cold brew coffee?

In case if you are thinking whether can you heat up cold brew coffee?  Yes, you can heat up cold brew with the simplest method is to heating cold brew coffee in a saucepan, on the stovetop on in the microwave.

Your cold brew’s will still unaltered coffee smoothness, an acid-free flavor profile due to this heating method.

Another strategy is to produce a concentrate and mix hot water into it instead of cold water to dilute it. Moreover, you can also make hot coffee from cold brew concentration. Hot cold brew can be made easily by adding cold brew concentration to boiled hot water.

heat cold brew coffee

If you’re short on time in the mornings, hot cold-brew coffee is really very useful. Simply prepare a large quantity of cold brew over the weekends, then every morning only reheat water in a saucepan or kettle and stir your brew.

While still tasty, it is quicker than preparing coffee from scratch every morning.

The caffeine amount of cold brew concentrate is much higher than that of a cup of coffee, so be sure to dilute it before drinking! Here are some ways to heat up cold brew coffee:

1. Microwave/ oven: Make cold brew coffee to hot cold brew with the help of microwave. Usually, people have this equipment at home So, you can use it easily to make your coffee. Heat your coffee in the microwave with 30 seconds intervals until it is hot enough to take.

Avoid letting it boil and burn, as it will alter the taste and flavor. Use a microwave-safe cup and use precautions when using the microwave.

2. Hot water: The ideal way to heat cold brew coffee is with hot water because there is less danger of “burning” it and imparting an unpleasant bitter flavor. Add some sugar and creamer as you used with your regular coffee after adding boiling water to your cold-brew coffee.

3. Burner / Stovetop: The cold brew concentrate can be heated on the burner. Pour the cold brew into a pot and, if necessary, add some water. Place it on heating stove from low to medium flame and make sure it doesn’t boil.

Pour it into a mug after it’s hot enough and add cream and sugar to taste.


Although cold-brew coffee initially looks like it would only be good for iced coffee, it actually has additional uses. Cold brew is highly well liked for its convenience even if it takes some time to produce. You can read more about the cold brew benefits as well.

Additionally, cold brew can easily turn into fantastic hot beverage because it can be heated and has a lot of fantastic flavor characteristics. You can quickly heat it up for a change of pace whether you already have cold brew concentrate and brewing it at home.

The history of cold brew coffee is very fascinating. It is a very old tradition started in 17th century and with each passing day, became more popular around the globe.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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