How to Clean a Coffee Maker: 8 Easy Steps for Beginners

How to clean a coffee maker step by step guide

You can ensure that every cup of your coffee is pure, delicious, and bursting with flavor by regular cleaning your coffee maker. Furthermore, removing any built-up coffee oils and minerals not only enhance the taste of coffee, but also extends the lifespan of your coffee machine.

Great news! You are about to learn how to clean a coffee maker sparkle like new.

“Clean a coffee pot is the sign of a well-run household.”

Coffee is a delicious beverage that becomes even more enjoyable when you take care of your coffee pot and prevent it from going rancid.

That’s why it is very important to clean your coffee pot regularly. It will not only prevent rancidity, but will also ensure that each cup of your brew is aromatic, fresh, and full of flavor.

How to Clean a Coffee Maker?

You can learn how to clean a coffee maker effortlessly with these simple steps; start by rinsing the carafe with warm water to loosen any leftover grime, then apply the cleaning solution to give it a thorough cleansing, lastly, rinse the pot meticulously with water and let it dry.

Finally give the exterior a quick wipe down with a cloth and enjoy making coffee with your freshly cleaned coffee maker

The average coffee drinker can enjoy up to 25 cups of delicious, fresh coffee from a pot before it requires cleaning, ensuring a satisfying experience.

Many people use a easiest and quick way to clean their coffee pots by filling coffee pot with water and a denture cleaning tablet, which is effective at removing the toughest stains and odors.

all steps how to clean a coffee maker?

“Cleaning the coffee maker may not be the most exciting task, but it’s an essential part of maintaining a good coffee brewing routine.”

Therefore, it is essential to regularly cleaning your coffee maker every week, or at least twice a month to keep your coffee pot properly cleaned and ensuring fresh cup of brew.

Descaling Coffee Machine

Maintaining a coffee machine through regular descaling not only ensures a great -tasting coffee and optimal performance of the machine, but also prevent costly repairs that can arise from mineral buildup with the passage of time.

Follow these steps to Keep your coffee machine clean and function perfectly with every brew!

  • Check the Manufacturer’s Recommendations: Many coffee makers come with specific instructions for descaling, so it’s a good idea to check the manual or website of the manufacturer to see what they recommend.
  • Fortunately, many machines come equipped with a built-in descaling cycle. So, all you need to follow the instructions and run the cycle to keep your machine working smoothly.
  • Prepare a Descaling Solution:You can easily prepare descaling solution even if it doesn’t come with a built-in cycle to keep your coffee maker in top condition and shining. Simply mix equal parts water and vinegar or use a commercial descaling product.
  • Descaling Coffee Machine with Vinegar: You can easily and effectively clean your coffee make by following manufacturer’s instruction to run a descaling cycle using a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. It will ensure a fresh and delicious cup of coffee every time you brew!. 
  • Fill the Water Chamber: Add some high-quality cleaning solution or food grade vinegar to the water chamber to keep your coffee maker always shining.
  • Run the Coffee Maker: Turn on the coffee maker and allow it to run for 5 to 10 minutes. This will allow the descaling solution to circulate through the machine and loosen any scale or mineral deposits.
  • Let the Solution Sit: Allow the descaling solution to sit for around 30 minutes, ensuring that your coffee maker is perfectly cleaned and runs smoothly. This will allow it to work its way into the various parts of the machine and break down the scale.
  • Rinse the Machine: Once done, rinse the machine with fresh water to remove any remaining descaling solution and savor the perfect cup of brew.
  • Repeat if Necessary: If you persistently repeat the process, your coffee maker will perfectly remove all of the deposits, even your coffee maker is heavily scaled, leaving you with delicious and freshly brewed coffee.
  • Importantly, descale your coffee machine regularly to ensure that it is working at its best and to extend its lifespan.

Cleaning Coffee Maker with Vinegar 

White vinegar is a natural and effective way to clean a coffee pot. Simply fill your coffee pot with equal parts vinegar and water and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes, and then rinse well.

Vinegar and water solution usually mix in equal parts and use this mixture to clean the inside of the coffee maker. Vinegar and water solution are natural cleaner.

This method is effective at removing scale and mineral deposits, as well as killing bacteria and mold.

What’s you need for cleaning the Coffee Maker:

To clean a coffee maker with vinegar, you will need:

  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • A bowl or container
  • A sponge or scrub brush
  • A clean cloth or paper towels

How much Vinegar needs to Clean a Coffee Pot?

Below is the general guideline about how much cleaning solution or vinegar will be required to clean a coffee pot:

  • For a small coffee pot (8-12 cups), mix 1 cup of vinegar with 1 cup of water.
  • For a medium coffee pot (12-16 cups), mix 1.5 cups of vinegar with 1.5 cups of water.
  • For a large coffee pot (16-20 cups), mix 2 cups of vinegar with 2 cups of water.

Here are 8 steps you can follow to clean a coffee maker with vinegar:

Step1: Remove Coffee Grounds and Remaining:

Unplug your coffee maker, empty the carafe from any remaining coffee, and filters from the machine. You can also rinse out the carafe and basket with hot water.

Step 2: Make Vinegar and Water Solution:

Mix equal parts water and vinegar in the carafe. The amount you need will depend on the size of your coffee maker.

Step3: Pour the Solution into the Coffee Maker:

Pour the mixture into the water chamber of the coffee maker, and run the coffee maker as you would make a pot of coffee. 

Step: 4 Run a Brewing Cycle:

Let the vinegar solution run through the machine completing the cycle. After completing the cycle, turn on the coffee maker again, and enjoy the delicious brew it makes. 

Step 5: Turn Off the Coffee Maker:

Turning off the coffee maker for 30 minutes will help the solution to sit. It will enhance the flavor of your coffee next time you brew.

Step 6: Rinse with Fresh Water:

Once you’ve descaled your coffee maker with vinegar, make sure to thoroughly rinse the chamber with clean water one more time, and finish by giving the interior a quick wipe with a damp cloth to leave it sparkling clean.

Step 7: Clean the Outside Body of the Coffee Machine: 

You can maintain the pristine appearance of your coffee maker’s exterior without the need for soap by simply using a refreshing vinegar spray. 

Step 8: Dray the Coffee Maker and Reassemble:

Once you’ve finished cleaning, take a moment to rinse and dry all of the parts thoroughly, and then reassemble all the parts. Your coffee maker will be ready for use again in no time.

Moreover, you can also use vinegar to clean your drip coffee maker, as it is an effective and affordable way to clean your coffee maker. Additionally, you can clean the Bunn coffee maker and a percolator in the same way. 

Even If you have a Keurig or single-serve coffee maker, you can also use the mixture of water and vinegar to clean it without doing any damage. 

Some other Best Ways to Clean a Coffee Maker

There are some other different methods you can use to clean your coffee maker:

Lemon Juice and Water Solution: 

You can also use water and lemon juice solution to perfectly clean your coffee pot. For this, you just need to mix equal parts water and lemon juice, and then use this mixture to clean the coffee maker thoroughly.

Baking Soda and Water Solution: 

You can also use a mixture of baking soda with water to effectively remove scale and mineral deposits form the machine. However, if you have a glass coffee pot, you just need to create a paste with baking soda and water to scrub inside of the pot.

clean a coffee maker with baking soda and water

Uncooked Rice with Water:

Some people believe that using a small amount of uncooked rice in the coffee pot can help to scrub away tough stains and give it a thorough cleaning. Additionally, the rice absorbs any excess oils or flavors that may have built up inside the machine, leaving it clean and fresh-tasting. 

Cream of Tartar with Water:

To remove tough stains from a stainless steel Moka pot, you can try using a mixture of equal parts water and cream of tartar.

You can also use a mixture of tartar cream and water to clean your coffee maker.  This mixture is equally affected to clean your coffee maker form any stuck-on coffee or any other mineral. 

Commercial Coffee Maker Cleaner: 

There are several commercial products available that are specifically designed to clean coffee makers. These products are often more effective at removing scale and mineral deposits than homemade solutions.

clean a commercial coffee maker with vinegar

Precautionary Measure for Cleaning a Coffee Pot

There are a few restrictions to consider when cleaning a coffee maker:

  • Always make sure to unplug the coffee maker from the outlet before cleaning it.
  • Always make sure to rinse your coffee pot thoroughly after cleaning it, as any residue from cleaning products or ingredients can affect the taste of your coffee.
  • Avoid using more abrasive cleaners or scouring pads on the exterior or interior of the coffee maker, as these can scratch the surface or damage the machine.
  • Do not put the carafe or other parts of the coffee maker in the dishwasher, as the high heat may cause them to crack or break.
  • it is recommended to use warm water instead of boiling water when rinsing, as this will help preserve the quality and durability of its plastic components.
  • It is important to avoid water or cleaning solution getting in the electrical components of the coffee maker, as this can cause a short circuit and also burn the coffee pot.

Bottom lines

Cleaning a coffee pot more often not only extend the life of your coffee pot but also provide the fresh taste, and aroma of your coffee whenever you brew. By following the above-mentioned steps, even beginners can easily clean their coffee makers and keep them in good working condition.


Fill the carafe with a coffee-cleaning solution and pour it into the water chamber. Press the “clean” or “descale” button, if your coffee pot has one. If it does not, you can run the cleaning solution through a brew cycle.

Using equal parts of water and vinegar mixture is the best and effective method to clean a coffee maker, is to. However, you can also use a commercial coffee maker cleaner if you don’t want to prepare your own one.

It’s a good idea to clean your coffee maker every week or at least twice in a month to remove any built-up scale or residue. But if you use your coffee maker daily, then you need to clean it more frequently. 

Some signs that your coffee maker may need cleaning include: The coffee takes longer to brew than usual. The coffee tastes stale or bitter. The coffee maker is making strange noises. If you notice any of these signs, it’s probably time to clean your coffee maker.

Rinse the reservoir with warm water to remove any loose debris. Fill the reservoir with a cleaning solution. Let the solution sit in the reservoir for about an hour, and then rinse the reservoir with clean water several times to remove the cleaning solution taste.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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