Different Size of Moka Pot: An Ultimate Guide

Different Size of Moka Pot

Are you confused about choosing the right size of Moka pot? Don’t worry; I’m here to assist you in selecting the right size. Once, I was baffled about choosing the right Moka pot size. So, I did a lot of research and found different size of Moka pot available according to ones need.

The main thing that matters a lot is best Size of Moka Pot according to your need.  There are a different size of Moka pot available, like 1 cup, 2, cups, 3 cups, 4 cups, 6 cups, 9 cups, and 12 cups. I have listed each Moka Pot Size available with details that will help you choose the best size according to your needs.

Moka Pot Size Guide

Moka pot size guide ml plays an essential role in making a tasty coffee. The size of Moka pot is measured upon how many cups it can make. One cup is equivalent to 60 ml.

  • 1 cup will equal 2 fluid ounces.
  • 2 cups will equal 3.38 fluid ounces.
  • 3 cups will equal 4.3 fluid ounces.
  • 4 cups will equal 7 fluid ounces.
  • 6 cups will equal 10 fluid ounces.
  • 9 cups will equal 14 fluid ounces.
  • 12 cups will equal 22 fluid ounces

What Size Moka Pot for 1 Person?

The one cup Moka pot or 1 cup Moka pot is made up of aluminum. If you like to drink fresh coffee and you are just a single person who likes to drink one cup in the morning or one cup in the evening, then it’s best for you. It takes 3 to 4 minutes to make a cup of coffee. It’s best for those who need one shot at a time.

1 cup Bialetti Moka Pot

A cup of coffee in this pot is equal to an espresso cup. It is approximately 5 inches. It’s efficient and easy to use. The different size of Moka Pot relates to varying number of persons.

What size Moka Pot for 2 Person?

The 2 cups Moka Pot size is about 6 inches. It’s best for two people. Additionally, if you prefer to drink freshly brewed coffee each time, it is the best size to brew couple of cups. But if you like drinking more than one cup of coffee at a time, this size is not for you. Moka pot 2 cup is preferred for two persons.

2 Cup Bialetti Brikka Moka Pot

The coffee in this will equal two (2) espresso cups, which is the main reason that I’ll not recommend you buy this size. The different size of Moka Pot are helpful in serving more number of persons.

Moka Pot Size for 3 Persons?

The 3 cup Moka pot is among the different size of Moka pot available and it is about 7 inches long. Couples who enjoy coffee and wish to drink more than one cup at a time should use this coffee pot. Additionally, a 3 cup pot is best if you want to serve coffee to two guests who come over for dinner.

3 cup bialetti moka pot

It can be used to brew three espresso cups. A cup of coffee takes 4 to 5 minutes to prepare. Its ability to store coffee is 130 ml. I also used this size because I have a 3 person family.

4 Cup Moka Pot

A 4 cup Moka pot is almost 20 cm long and 10 cm wide and this size is perfect for domestic use. Additionally, it has enough capacity for common home use, and you can also use this to make delicious coffee when you have 3-4 friends.

4 cups Bialetti Venus

It will serve you 4 cups of fresh and aromatic Moka coffee within a few minutes. Moreover, there are various Moka design and you can go with anyone of your choice.

6 Cup Moka Pot

The 6 cup Moka pot is known as the “family pack.” It is suitable for 5 to 6 people. It is around 8 inches long. It takes 5 to 6 minutes to make a good coffee. It is more durable than other pots. It requires a lot of storage to keep in the kitchen. It is the best product to buy if you serve coffee on small occasions like tea parties (5–6 people).

6 cups bialetti moka induction

If you’re a regular user, I wouldn’t suggest buying it. It is one of the best in different size of Moka pot category. The drawback of this is that it is tough to clean. The coffee storage capacity is around 300ml. It takes a lot of coffee grounds to brew flavored coffee.

9 Cup Moka Pot

This Moka pot is about 9 inches. It has a 420 mL storage capacity. It is preferable if you have a big family, like five or six people.

Additionally, it is an excellent alternative for you to purchase if you and your partner both take too much coffee each day. However, it is important to know about the exact amount of coffee intake safe to drink each day.

9 cups Groshce Moka Pot

A yummy cup of coffee can be ready in 6 to 7 minutes. It takes a lot of coffee grounds to brew a good cup of coffee, just like in a 6-cup Moka pot which is also included in different size of Moka pot.

12 Cup Moka Pot

The giant pot is the 12-cup Moka. I won’t recommend everyone to buy it. It is about 11 inches. It has a storage capacity of approximately 670 ml. If you frequently organize brunch, lunch, or tea gatherings, then it’s perfect for you. Additionally, It is also an excellent choice for tiny offices. It is a largest size when we talk about different size of Moka pot.

12 cups Primula Moka Pot

The advantage is that your coffee will stay hot until you serve the final cup. The demerit is it is overly heavy and costly compared to other pots. It takes 10 to 12 minutes to brew up to 12 cups of coffee.

Important Considerations When Choosing the Right Moka Pot Size

Some individuals believe that when purchasing a Moka pot, size does not matter. They think they’ll make as much coffee as they want by using different size of Moka pot. Similarly, some individuals try to make 5 cups of coffee with a 3 cup Moka pot. These people can’t get good coffee as a result, and they damage the appliance as well.

Therefore, you should understand a few essential points before purchasing a smokable different size of Moka pot.

First, You should consider:

  • How many of your family members drink coffee daily?
  • How many gatherings do you host each day or each week at your house?
  • How many cups of coffee do you drink in a whole day?

Second, You must consider your stove top size:

  • A 1 cup, 2 cups, or 3 cups Moka Pot is appropriate for you if your stove top is smaller.
  • A Large size Moka pot is preferable if the stovetop is bigger.

Finally, heat retention should requires your attention:

  • If you want to keep your coffee hot for an extended period, invest in an excellent heat-retention pot.

I also have different size of Moka Pots. One is a 12 cup size that I use for parties and lunch. It works well and makes fantastic coffee. Additionally, I always love to invest in a pot with good heat retention so the coffee stays hot. Moreover, I have three family members, so the second one I have is a 3-cup pot.

I would recommend the Bialetti Moka Pots because their quality is higher than other brands. It’s sturdy and durable. The different size of Moka Pot are incredible and you can also check our collection of best Moka Pot to buy an ideal one.


I tried my best to guide you about the different size of Moka Pot in detail. Therefore, choosing the perfect Moka Pot size for your needs is simple, as you only need to consider the things mentioned above. I sincerely hope that this article aids in your decision-making.

Frequently Asked Questions

Although we explained different size of moka pot, but the 1 and 3 cups Bialetti Sizes are ideal for a single person. Suppose a person takes coffee at different times during the whole day. So he can make fresh coffee every time. However, if a person consumes more than one shot at a time, I would recommend a 3-cup Moka Pot size.

No, that’s a wrong approach. To acquire a decent coffee flavor, you must fill it completely. If you assume you’ll buy a 6-cup pot and only make 1 cup. However, it won’t serve your delicious coffee.

Yes, of course, it matters. You need to choose among the different size of Moka pot according to your needs. You should purchase a larger size if you regularly arrange parties and lunches. But, if drink coffee daily and have a small family, you should buy a 3 cup Moka pot.

It’s easy to hear a gurgling sound when coffee is pushed into the upper chamber by the pressure of the heat. So it’s time to turn off the heat and sip your coffee.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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