Latest World’s Top 10 Coffee Consuming Countries in 2023

Top 10 coffee consuming Countries 2023 list

Among the most popular beverages worldwide “coffee” is at the top. Over 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed annually, making this one of the most popular beverages worldwide along with water and tea. Here we rank the countries with the best coffee drink.

The Coffea genus of plants is where coffee first appeared. In the fifteenth century AD, Sheikh Omar, a Yemeni, made the discovery. In the middle of the 15th century AD, Yemeni author Ahmed al-Ghaffar mentioned the consumption of coffee or awareness of the coffee tree.

Sufi circles used it to stay awake during their religious rites. More than £1 billion was spent on caffeine last year, and each person in Britain consumes about 2.8 kilograms of coffee annually.

List of Top Coffee Consuming Countries

We chose two criteria, overall coffee consumption per capita and coffee consumption to determine the top ten coffee-consuming nations in the world. The latter is included because, if the former were the only criterion, this list would be overrun with large states with growing populations for obvious reasons.

These two criteria allowed us to concentrate on the nations that actually enjoy drinking coffee. According to statistics from the International Coffee Organization (ICO), the top 10 coffee-consuming nations in the world are listed below:

1- Finland

Finland is the country that consumes the most coffee overall and at top among coffee consuming countries. According to a study by Nordic Coffee Culture, 14 percent of Finnish men and 6 percent of Finnish women consume more than 10 cups of coffee daily. Per capita, Finland consumes more coffee than any other country in the world.

Country Population5,554,960
Coffee Consumption per Capita per Year26.45 Lbs
Consumption in Cups Per Day4 Cups

The typical Finn consumes close to four cups per day. Finnish workers are required by law to take two ten-minute coffee breaks because the beverage is so well-liked there.

2- Norway

Even though Norway doesn’t drink a lot of coffee overall, it ranked first in our per capita ranking list! Norwegian coffee consumers normally consume around 9.89 kilograms of coffee per person each year, compared to the global average of about 1.3 Kilograms. Norway stands second among coffee consuming countries.

Country Population5,511,370
Coffee Consumption per Capita per Year21.82 Lbs
Consumption in Cups Per Day3 Cups

More than 3 cups of coffee are consumed daily in Norway. In contrast to the United States, Norway has a large number of coffee shops that are primarily used for socializing rather than for working or getting takeout.

In that year, 4.4 coffee cups were consumed daily on average by Norwegian coffee lovers of age 45 – 59 who reported drinking coffee. The average daily intake for all surveyed Norwegians between the ages of 45 and 59 was 3.7 cups.

3- Iceland

Coffee consumption is influenced by the climate, and this nation is the clearest illustration because drinking coffee makes staying inside on a chilly, dark day feel even cozier. The average daily coffee consumption around here is 2 cups per person. Although Iceland is less populated but still stands 3rd among the coffee consuming countries.

Country Population371,393
Coffee Consumption per Capita per Year19.84 lbs
Consumption in Cups Per Day2 cups

Coffee has long become the most popular social beverage in Iceland because beer wasn’t legal there until 1987 and wine is expensive. Any visitor to Iceland is expected to accept a mug of coffee, and the standard response is “ten drops,” or “tíu dropar,” if they only want a small cup.

4- Denmark

It is a Nordic state, the southern part of the Scandinavian countries, and is situated south of Norway and southwest of Sweden. It is the 4th among the highest coffee consuming countries.

According to a well-known saying about coffee consumption in this nation; “If the Nordic countries are the coffee kings, this country is appropriately fit for this”. The average daily coffee consumption in this area is 1.46 cups per person.

Country Population5,834,950
Coffee Consumption per Capita per Year19. 11 lbs
Consumption in Cups Per Day2 cups

In Denmark, the term “kaffeslab-beras” refers to a casual social event where coffee and dessert are served, frequently the following dinner. People are frequently specifically invited to the bryllupskaffe, or wedding coffee reception, at weddings.

5- Netherlands

Netherlands is located in Western Europe. In 1616 AD, Pieter van der Broecke became the first European to export coffee trees from Yemen. Netherlands is listed 5th in coffee consuming countries.

Country Population17,211,447
Coffee Consumption per Capita per Year18.5 lbs
Consumption in Cups Per Day1.9 cups

Today, coffee culture still seems to be strong and rich in the Netherlands, and coffee shops in Amsterdam are quite well renowned for serving coffee along with another specialty thing: marijuana. The Dutch brew 2.4 cups daily on average. Here, the average person consumes 1.84 cups daily.

6- Sweden

Many Sweden people take their coffee drink very seriously, making it not only a drink but also a way of life in the nation. Despite the fact that coffee can be enjoyed alone in the privacy of one’s home, it is typically a social activity.

Country Population10,218,971
Coffee Consumption per Capita per Year18 lbs
Consumption in Cups Per Day1.8 cups

Coffee shops, both chains, and independent establishments are common in large cities such as the capital of Sweden. Sweden, like every other nation on our ranking, has a strong affinity for coffee.

They also refer to coffee, pastries, and conversation as “fika”. According to statistics, each person only consumes 1.8 cups per day. Sweden’s people doesn’t take many cups of coffee per day and that’s why it stands at 6th in the list of top coffee consuming countries.

7- Switzerland

The country has its own traditions regarding coffee since the 17th century. There is a diverse range of coffee being used in Switzerland due to the influence of Italian and French culture in surrounding areas of the country. The world’s famous brand of coffee “Nescafe” is also from Switzerland.

Country Population8,773,637
Coffee Consumption per Capita per Year17 lbs
Consumption in Cups Per Day1.6 cups

Recent research shows that Switzerland is involved in almost three-quarters of the world’s coffee trade. Swiss people are more interested in drinking espresso based milk drinks. 

8- Belgium

Belgium is called a world leader in coffee consumption countries. There are countless coffee shops across the nations that are packed with patrons from opening to closing. Coffee is regarded by Belgians as a religious journey that inspires dialogue, enlightenment, and exploration.

Country Population11, 668,278
Coffee Consumption per Capita per Year15 lbs
Consumption in Cups Per Day1.5 cups

Its Western European neighbors include France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Luxembourg. More people in this country drink coffee than beer or wine. On average, people consume 1.35 cups per day. Belgium stands at 8th position in top coffee consuming countries list.

Belgium was able to meet its demand for coffee by cultivating the plant in the Rwanda as a former imperial power in Africa. Now that there are coffee shops in each and every town, it’s simple to pick up a quick cup to go with the famous waffles, which are the country’s take on a donut.

9- Luxembourg

Luxembourg has hundreds of coffee shops, ranging from opulent homes with white linen tablecloths to tiny, and stand-up coffee bars. Despite being among the smallest countries in the world, Luxembourg is at 9th position among the high coffee consuming countries.

Country Population642,371
Coffee Consumption per Capita per Year14.33 lbs
Consumption in Cups Per Day1.4 cups

It is a tiny landlocked nation situated in Western Europe. Belgium to the north and west, Germany towards the east, as well as France to the south are its neighbors. In this nation, coffee seems to be very popular and is typically served with dessert.

10- Canada

Canada, the only non-European nation to make the ranking of the most coffee consuming nations in the world, comes in last on our ranking with an average annual consumption of 6.2 kg. Tim Horton’s, one of the first coffee chains in the world, produces three of each 4 cups of espresso sold in Canada.

Country Population38,388,419
Coffee Consumption per Capita per Year14 lbs
Consumption in Cups Per Day1.3 cups

Canadians are coffee aficionados from east to west. Even though well-known chains are widespread in Canada, each city also frequently houses a large number of independently owned stores.

With a population of 37 million, the beverage is so well-known that the Coffee Canada Association likes to call it the most popular adult beverage in the nation. Although Canada is at top position to consume coffee in Europe, but stands 10th in worldwide coffee consuming countries.

Countries that pays the most for coffee

Here we give you the list of who pay the more for their coffee.

  1. Japan
  2. Italy
  3. Portugal
  4. Cyprus
  5. Austria

Interesting facts about coffee producer countries


We are aware of how important coffee is to Italian culture when we talk about that country. Every year, Italy imports about 8 million sacks of green coffee beans. Italians adore their coffee! You can also find our list of top 10 hazelnut coffee beans here.

They either prepare coffee in such a moka pot at home or purchase it from espresso machines (Briefly discussed in our previous articles) in coffee shops, restaurants, and workplaces. It is typically sipped whereas standing at cafés and is offered in tiny espresso cups.

Affogato: vanilla ice cream soaked in espresso, is a recipe for an absolutely delicious way to enjoy an espresso naked in espresso. You can also find best coffee recipe books to make absolutely delicious espresso and enjoy it.


You might be surprised to find that Brazil is not ranked top 10 coffee consuming countries or in terms of coffee consumption per capita. Brazil has been the world’s top producer of coffee beans for the past 150 years, you might expect them to be at the top of the list.

Brazil’s national drink is coffee, which is pronounced cafezinho “ca-fay-zee-nyo” , that is the synonym for welcome to the world of coffee.. Wherever you go, the first question you will be greeted with when entering a coffee house or someone’s home is, “Would you like a cafezinho?”

Sum up words

In our final words we found that the best coffee in the world by country is Finland coffee. Finland currently consumes the most coffee in the world as of 2022. Since the creamy fluffy, flavorful, or rich brew helps to keep the chill out, numerous Nordic countries seem to be high on the list, probably as a result of the cold climate.

Every nation on our ranking also has a distinctive and various coffee cultures. To reflect the culture and history of their country, they have often created their own coffee drinks and styles. This article was enjoyable, we hope. We are aware that the solutions might have surprised us.

Note: Article statistics come from third party sources.


Columbia is the world’s best coffee provider. You know about Extra, Arabia, Supremo and Exceslo. Supremo is the best quality coffee that is found in Columbia. These coffee beans consider superior coffee beans among other beans. So Supremo is the best coffee in the world by coffee.

In 2022, the Coffee segment will generate US$3.71 billion in revenue. The market is anticipated to expand by 6.15% yearly (CAGR 2022-2025).

Brazil produces one out of every 3 coffee cups consumed worldwide. Brazil is the largest exporter of coffee in the world. High-quality Arabica, the variety used in the majority of the world’s best espresso blends, makes up about 90 percent of the total of those exports.

Pakistan, India, and Nepal do not consume coffee they only consume 0.1kg per Capita. So, these countries are considered coffee abstainers.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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