Coffee and Orange Juice: Key Difference & How to make it?

coffee and orange juice flavor

When we listen about the word coffee, a black bitter taste drink comes to our mind. While the word orange juice always reminds us of the beautiful glass of orange drink containing the citrus flavor.

What if I tell in this world an coffee and orange juice exists? Yes, it is a weird combination but who knows if we try and it comes out that we never thought!

Coffee: You know better that coffee is a drink. To make a coffee drink you need the coffee beans that needs to refine and mixes it with warm water or milk. If you want to try learn about coffee making, you can explore more about delicious coffee recipes.

Orange Juice: is also a form of drink that comes from orange fruit. To make this, you need a fresh orange cut in half squeeze and take your fresh nectar juice. Now we know about both coffee and orange juice but what is orange coffee and how to make orange juice coffee?

So, the orange juice coffee is what you are thinking, you need your favorite espresso and orange juice. Pour the orange juice into your favorite espresso to make orange juice espresso.

It’s a weird combination but according to many coffees habitual people who try this, suggest that it is the best combination.

For a stimulating and invigorating beverage, try coffee, and for a healthy dose of vitamin C and energy, try orange juice coffee first thing in the morning. However, I believe you haven’t considered the notion of combining your coffee and orange juice into one beverage yet. So, let’s try it by you.

How to make Orange Coffee?

To enjoy the orange coffee combo, you need to know how to make it and which ingredients we have to make this flavorful coffee with orange.

Ingredients for orange juice coffee are:

  • Espresso Machine/coffee brewer
  • Tall Drinking Glass and Spoon
  • Coffee; 2 ounces espresso or 1/2 cup brewed
  • 1/2 cup orange juice (store-bought / freshly squeezed)
  • Carbonated water / Tonic water
  • Ice

Coffee and Orange Juice Recipe:

  • First, brew and chill your coffee or espresso. Make the coffee stronger than usual to maintain a harmonious taste profile.
  • A large glass should be filled with ice.
  • Orange juice goes in first, followed by the cooled coffee.
  • It may be made lighter and more refreshing by topping it up with some sparkling water or tonic.
  • Drink up and mix it up!
  • Make sure you’re using pulp-free orange juice, since drinking anything with little fruit bits in it is nasty.

It is possible that the combination of coffee and orange juice may at first seem completely weird, but you should not let it go without trying once.

Coffee shops now provide a variety of drinks, including iced coffee orange juice, for customers who like the flavor combination.

You can also explore various guides on these beverages in coffee recipe books.

Effects of Iconic Combo Coffee and Juice

Let’s clarify some myths about this iconic flavor combo. Some believe that mixing these drinks will result in a curdled mess and may cause stomachaches or tooth sensitivity. Is it true?

Extreme use of either coffee or orange juice, even if followed by a quick brushing, may be harmful to your teeth, but the combination is unlikely to be much worse. Talk to your dentist if you’re worried about your teeth.

If you start your day with a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice without experiencing any negative side effects, mixing the two beverages together shouldn’t cause you any problems.

On the other hand, if you often get stomach aches after drinking coffee, you could find relief by switching to a type of coffee that has less acid or by ensuring that you have had a balanced meal before mixing orange juice with your coffee.

The combination of coffee and orange juice won’t get curdled, at long last. However, the acidity of the coffee and orange juice might cause the milk to curdle in a milk and orange juice coffee drink.

You may be familiar with this sight if you’ve ever made the common yet disastrous error of putting lemon and milk/cream in your tea.

coffee and orange juice iconic combo of orange coffee

Coffee juice with orange will prevent the milk or cream from curdling, but if you’re interested in an instant coffee and lemon juice diet, you already know that lemons are considerably more acidic than oranges. To prevent this, it’s recommended to drink it black.

The orange’s natural sugars and tanginess complement the espresso’s robustness to create a drink that’s perfect for waking up to in the morning.

We mixed up the new summer beverage using ice, orange juice squeezed from real oranges, espresso brewed with real Caffeine espresso beans, and a splash of vanilla extract.

Do you know whether orange juice has caffeine?

While a glass of orange juice first thing in the morning might help jumpstart your day, this isn’t due of any caffeine content. Numerous individuals all over the globe drink orange juice because of its high nutritious content (including potassium and vitamin C).

Many brands of orange juice sold in stores have vitamin D and calcium added. These are some of the key health advantages you may experience if you decide to consume more orange juice by mixing it with your coffee.

Many nutrients, such as potassium, folate, and vitamin C, may be found in abundance in orange juice. About 2 g of protein, 26 g of carbs, 67 percent of the DV for vitamin C, 15 percent DV for folate, 6% DV for magnesium, and 10 percent DV for potassium may be found in a single 8-ounce glass of orange juice coffee.

Vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin with antioxidant and immune-boosting properties, is abundant in orange juice, making it one of the greatest concentrated sources of this vitamin and enhance the value of orange juice in coffee.

In addition, vitamin C promotes healthy gums, bones, and wounds. It also contains high levels of foliate, a B vitamin essential for making new Genetic code and crucial to reproductive health. Orange juice’s high potassium content has been linked to its ability to protect against cardiovascular disease, stroke, and bone loss.

coffee mix with orange juice

Caffeine jitters are a side effect of drinking too much coffee, but there are other benefits to coffee that may outweigh the negatives.

Regular coffee users have been shown to have a decreased risk of heart disease than non-coffee drinkers, and studies have shown that coffee and orange juice, is an excellent source of antioxidants. There is a plethora of potential health advantages to drinking orange juice with your coffee.

Final words

For regular coffee users and who like to taste different flavor of coffee, orange coffee is the top and best suggest drink for them. Serving this espresso over ice enhance it taste, look and freshness.

Coffee with orange is best combination for the extremely serious coffee folks, but if you’d give yourself a minute of sub-consternating coffee consumption, this is a delightful little beverage that you can enjoy in quiet.

Although you may never have thought to combine the two, coffee and orange juice may make a surprising and pleasant beverage. The drink has recently become a widespread fad on TikTok.


Coffee and orange juice both are acidic in nature. Regular use and too much use of this drink may cause some negative effects for those people who have sensitive teeth. The enamel layer of teeth maybe reduces when you used coffee orange and brush your teeth right afterwards.

The antioxidants in orange juice in coffee enhance health by avoiding oxidative damage. When this occurs, there is a lack of protection from the body’s antioxidants and an excess of potentially dangerous free radicals.

More than 17 million people every year lose their lives as a direct result of heart disease, making it a major public health concern. High cholesterol and blood pressure are two of the risk factors for heart disease shown to be lowered by drinking orange juice espresso rather than high caffeine coffee.

They may even aid in awarding against long-term illnesses including diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. The antioxidants ascorbic acid, flavonoids and carotenoids all are abundant in orange juice with coffee.

I know it sounds weird but once you try this iconic combo you will be amazed to take this drink. Coffee and orange juice make a perfect combination and it’s a better addition in your morning routine.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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