The 10 Best Hazelnut Coffee Beans in 2023: Top Reviews

Top 10 Best Hazelnut Coffee Beans

When trying to find hazelnut coffee, what should you look for? What is the best place to look? In a world of diverse coffee flavors, hazelnut coffee stands out as having the greatest flavor. Some of these flavors are overwhelming, while others are hardly detectable.

We chose coffees based on flavor, price, and aroma to ensure that every component of the mixes on our list met your expectations. It is both inexpensive and abundantly available.

Finding high-quality best flavored ground coffee continues to be a challenge. Let’s get started with so many possibilities for the best hazelnut coffee beans available, how can you pick the best ones!

After considerable research, We’ve created a list of the 10 Finest Hazelnut Coffee Beans, including LifeBoost Hazelnut Coffee, Volcanica Flavored Hazelnut Ground Coffee, and more, as well as a buying guide to guide you in choosing the best coffee. Keep going till the very finish.

List of 10 Best Hazelnut Coffee in 2023

If you want a freshly roasted best coffee with hazelnut flavor, here are some organic hazelnut best coffee reviews that will influence how you enjoy your daily cup of java.

  1. Life Boost Organic Hazelnut Coffee
  2. Volcanica Hazelnut Flavored Coffee Grounds
  3. Seattle’s Best Coffee Toasted Hazelnut Medium Roast
  4. Cameron’s Coffee Roasted Whole Bean
  5. Don Francisco’s Hawaiian Hazelnut Flavored Ground Coffee
  6. SF Bay Coffee Hazelnut Crème Whole Bean
  7. Amazon Fresh Hazelnut Flavored Coffee
  8. New England Coffee Hazelnut Crème Medium Roast
  9. Eight O’clock Hazelnut Whole Bean Coffee
  10. Green Mountain Coffee Hazelnut Decaf

LifeBoost Organic Whole Bean Hazelnut Coffee

Reasons to Buy

  • A strong taste
  • Organic hazelnut, shade-grown, and single-origin
  • Deliciously fragrant

Reasons to Avoid

  • Very pricey

We begin with the best coffee that excels at combining flavor and value. Here’s an excellent example of a LifeBoost coffee.

LifeBoost is made with only the best organic coffee beans and has an even better natural flavor developed with natural oils, making it a sugar-free and calorie-free coffee.

These beans are usually slow-roasted in small amounts to maintain their taste. It’s fair-trade coffee with a slew of certificates to back up its ethics and quality, plus it’s mycotoxin-free. You can check our list of best coffee roasting machine for acquiring fine ground roasted beans.

Unlike many hazelnut flavored coffee, these are available in whole beans, which means they will stay fresh and aromatic for a long time, and I am confident in drinking this best coffee.

Volcanica Hazelnut Decaf Flavored Coffee Grounds

Reasons to Buy

  • Buttery and smooth flavor
  • Freshly Roasted
  • Immediately packed & sealed to maintain freshness
  • 100% Guaranteed Freshness

Reasons to Avoid

  • Quite expensive

If you want a tasty alternative at a fair price. Volcanica is well-known for sourcing some of the top exotics.

I tried Volcanica’s hazelnut best flavored coffee grounds, which is a medium-roasted hazelnut whole bean coffee that gives the true flavor characteristic to shine out, which means the actual hazelnut coffee flavor will not overwhelm the drinker.

Everything about this blend is smooth and aromatic. I like the flavor since it’s somewhat sweet, buttery, and has nutty overtones that make it unique.

They exclusively use natural ingredients and beans from the highly rich soil in their products. Although their advertisement shows a handful of delicious hazelnuts, there is no one inside.

Seattle’s Toasted Hazelnut Flavored Medium Roast Ground Best Coffee

Reasons to Buy

  • 100% Arabica beans
  • Affordable
  • Zero bitterness

Reasons to Avoid

  • Not quite natural, but its close.

One of the main reasons we think Seattle is the best alternative is its reputation for producing smooth blends.

The majority of the beans were sourced from Latin America. It ensures not just a pleasant flavor, but also that the bean’s quality is preserved during the master blender’s three stages of processing.

Seattle’s Best is dedicated to using high-quality beans, and its toasted flavor is evident in the coffee, which I think gives it a hazelnut flavor and smooth texture.

Their medium roast blends provide a sweet aroma and a nutty, sugar-free hazelnut flavored coffee. In my opinion, the flavor is quite smooth, mild, and does not seem fake.

Cameron’s Coffee Roasted Sea Salt Caramel Ground Coffee

Reasons to Buy

  • Always Smooth, Never Bitter
  • 100% specialty-grade Arabica beans
  • Rich And Flavorful

Reasons to Avoid

  • Expensive

Cameron’s Coffee obtains only the top 10% of Arabica beans in the world, which are roasted in small batches with care and experience to create distinctive coffee ornaments.

The flavor is deep, fresh, and aromatic, which I like. They also consider how their best hazelnut coffee beans are sourced to ensure that they are environmentally friendly.

Cameron’s hazelnut has an artificially enhanced flavor. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has said that using artificial flavors is OK.

You’ll receive entire beans so you can examine them for freshness. It’s a mild roast, which focuses on the taste and delicate aroma of sugar-free hazelnut.

Don Francisco’s Hawaiian Hazelnut Flavored Ground Coffee

Reasons to Buy

  • Some say it has a great dark flavor
  • Combination of flavors
  • Affordable

Reasons to Avoid

  • Some people aren’t fond of the taste

Another excellent Don Francisco Hawaiin hazelnut coffee, Hawaii, refers to the exotic tastes rather than the origin of the beans.

Don Francisco hazelnut coffee has a strong hazelnut flavor coffee, but I really enjoy the additional flavor combination that includes a hint of coconut and French vanilla.

The best hazelnut coffee beans used are 100% Arabica, roasted medium, and packaged in a recyclable stainless steel container that keeps the product fresh and delicious.

I feel the freshness in every sip and enjoy indulging in a cup of coffee that restores the soul, with a creamy, nutty flavor and a sweet cinnamon scent.

San Francisco Bay Coffee Hazelnut Crème Whole Bean

Reasons to Buy

  • A sweet, creamy blend
  • With a hint of cinnamon

Reasons to Avoid

  • Little too dark for a medium roast
  • Pricey

San Francisco can provide you with a unique way to start your day!

This company, interestingly, utilizes wild German hazelnuts and vanilla. It comes from Central America and is entirely made of Arabica beans that are sustainably grown and Kosher, ensuring a unique taste.

It’s a medium bold roast with a mild, creamy, somewhat sweet flavor and a nutty aftertaste that I enjoy. Sure, they use artificial flavorings as well.

It comes whole, so you can grind it yourself to keep it fresh. This brand is one of my best hazelnut coffee beans because of its rich flavor and fragrance.

AmazonFresh Hazelnut Ground Medium Roast Flavored Coffee

Reasons to Buy

  • Great Fragrant
  • Good roasting level
  • Rich flavor

Reasons to Avoid

  • Bitter in taste

The low-cost, high-quality hazelnut flavored coffee from Amazon’s own brand has been introduced.

This Amazon Fresh hazelnut flavored coffee is light to medium roasted, which brings out the coffee’s flavor more than the hazelnut, and it’s crafted with 100% Arabica beans from Central and South America.

The level of roasting is excellent, and the coffee prepared with these beans tastes quite natural to me. The product has no sugar. Some individuals thought it tasted sour.

It’s super smooth, perfect, and artificially flavored. It reminds me of a cup of rich coffee with a flavor of hazelnuts, and I enjoy drinking it every day.

New England Coffee Hazelnut Crème Medium Roast

Reasons to Buy

  • Wonderful aroma and flavor
  • Reasonable price
  • Certified Kosher Ground Coffee

Reasons to Avoid

  • Artificially flavored

New England’s best Coffee Company has been roasting coffee for almost a century.

I enjoy this best hazelnut coffee because it’s smooth and has a rich, nutty hazelnut flavor with a hint of sweetness, from the coffee bean to their standard medium roast created from genuine Arabica coffee beans.

The flavor of New England Coffee Hazelnut Crème is well-known because its coffee is robust but not bitter, and its cream is extremely rich.

There are numerous hazelnut-flavored coffees out there that come with an extra flavor, but New England coffee flavors are one of my favorite places to visit, so I’ll express my preference here.

Eight O’clock Hazelnut Whole Bean Coffee

Reasons to Buy

  • Medium Roasted hazelnut Coffee
  • Affordable
  • Bold Flavors

Reasons to Avoid

  • Found bitter

Another honest brand label, eight O’clock, tells us every day why it’s important to include it in our early morning routine.

For Premium Quality, they use 100% Arabica Beans originating from South America. Not receiving poor beans, the coffee beans are then skillfully infused with soft-bodied medium roasted hazelnut flavors.

Beans are non-bleeding (symbol of older and more roasted beans). It’s Kosher-certified, and if you love hazelnuts, you’ll find a robust and buttery delight here.

Every sip has a rich flavor of subtle vanilla undertones, giving it the additional Smooth, Sweet, Buttery Aroma I look for in a Perfect Cup of Hazelnut Coffee to wake up to every morning.

Green Mountain Coffee Hazelnut Decaf K-Cups Flavored

Reasons to Buy

  • Decaffeinated
  • Light roast
  • Buttery and Sweet

Reasons to Avoid

  • Expensive

You’ve come to the right place. If you appreciate the hazelnut flavored coffee!

This decaf hazelnut Caffeinated Coffee is a light roast best coffee with a delightfully rich taste and hazelnut undertones without the caffeine.

I must say, this organic hazelnut coffee is a fantastic after-dinner treat or nightcap. The coffee isn’t very strong, but it’s buttery and sweet, with a rich flavor of warm, roasted nuts, which makes it ideal for nights.

Some people complained about the coffee’s strength, stating it was too weak. This isn’t for those hoping for a strong-tasting decaf coffee.

Buying Guides

It’s tough to find an excellent hazelnut flavored coffee. What characteristics should you look for? Coffee drinkers are frequently passionate about the quality of their best coffee. It’s time to make your decision now that you’ve viewed our listing of the best hazelnut coffee brands. When selecting hazelnut-flavored coffee, keep the following things in mind.

Bean Quality

The quality of the best hazelnut coffee beans should not be compromised. Choose a coffee that still uses high-quality beans; search for 100% Arabica rather than Robusta or any other bean in flavored coffee.

Whole bean or Ground

We recommend getting whole best hazelnut coffee beans and grinding them before it’s roasted if you’re ready to invest the money on a coffee grinder. This will important to maintain your coffee fresh longer.

If you only have a limited time so don’t want to bother with beans or grinding, you may use Instant instead. Naturally, it loses the flavor and aroma of fresh beans.


Chemists are often the ones that make your favorite nutty hazelnut coffee. Dimethyl, acetyl thiazole, or dimethyl pyrazine are among the chemicals employed in this procedure to give flavor.

These elements are connected with beans with the assistance of one element that makes you wonder: propylene glycol, which may comprise up to 85 percent of a typical taste. The outcome is a syrupy, sweet, and oily look on the beans’ surface. It is, nevertheless, safe to eat.

Real Food Extract

The nutty taste comes from the oil derived from natural substances and then added to the coffee beans comparable to how vanilla extract is used in baking. The best coffee will have a powerful scent but a light flavor. When milk is added to a cup of coffee, the flavor becomes more recognizable.


One of the main difficulties is that the organic hazelnut coffee you’re drinking may not be as fresh as you thought. Coffee has a shelf life after roasting, and the flavor normally peaks around 5-14 days, so look for the freshly roasted hazelnut coffee. However, perhaps not the bulk of several flavored coffees might be a year old or older.


The flavor that expresses the incredibly varied flavors that occur naturally in coffee is the most significant aspect. The evaluations below will assist you in selecting the best hazelnut flavored beans. We recommend selecting a coffee that is both fresh and fragrant, with lots of creamy hazelnuts.


Hazelnut-flavored coffee or any other flavor is a thousand times better. We recognize that some individuals aren’t used to the harshness of coffee and prefer flavored coffees instead. In order to quickly absorb the taste of artificial chemicals, old best coffee beans are employed in flavored coffees.

This gives the coffee an especially strong and overwhelming aroma and flavor. Buying lesser quantities from various coffee suppliers may be advantageous when you’re just starting started with coffee tastes.

These best coffees are also reasonably priced, so you won’t have any difficulty exploring on a budget! If you just want the greatest degree of quality available, our top pick, the Life boost Hazelnut Medium Roast, is a good choice.

The creamy, buttery Volcanica Hazelnut Flavored Coffee is another fantastic option. If money is limited, Seattle’s Best Coffee Toasted Hazelnut Medium Roast is an excellent and somewhat less expensive alternative. Some of the greatest hazelnut coffees have been investigated and selected.

You’ll probably certainly have to explore alternative brands. So, why not test out some of our recommendations to see which one best suits your requirements? Take your favorite and indulge in hazelnut flavored coffee.


Hazelnut is not used to flavor organic hazelnut coffee. To imitate the natural hazelnut flavored coffee, some add artificial flavorings. Others may employ a combination of natural and synthetic tastes to give it a hazelnut flavor.

These best hazelnut coffee beans are among the best I’ve ever tasted. Each brand has its own hazelnut coffee benefits. My favorite combination is rich, roasted hazelnuts with specialty Life boost medium roast coffee beans. A Creamy, Satisfying Flavor Perfect For An Afternoon Treat.

No, sugar is not present in ordinary flavored coffee. Assume that whatever pleasant sensation you have is simply the taste. However, if the syrup is used to flavor the coffee, it contains sugar.

Rather than using hazelnut-flavored coffee, add syrup to freshly brewed, high-quality coffee beans. In addition, you’ll be putting a lot of sugar in your cup. You may make your Hazelnut-flavored Coffee this way.

The hazelnut taste in coffee does not originate from nuts. To give the coffee a hazelnut fragrance and flavor, natural and synthetic taste ingredients are blended. As a result, they nullify the allergens entirely in the nuts. You should double-check the ingredients before buying a bag of coffee.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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