Best Christmas Coffee Drinks: 7 Great Recipes

Best Christmas coffee recipes drinks

If Christmas is near ahead, then your Christmas will be incomplete without Christmas coffee. Therefore, Recipe for Christmas coffee must include blast of flavors, must be creamy, and mouth feel that should make your day.

So, you must try our special recipe for Christmas coffee to enjoy your Christmas round the clock.

We have prepared some special and delicious Christmas Coffee Recipes for those who considered their day incomplete without best Christmas coffee drink and surely want to prepare a special Santa coffee on Christmas morning.

Moreover, by using Christmas coffee beans, Christmas coffee blends, and Christmas coffee flavors, you can create the best Christmas coffee drinks. Before going to Christmas coffee Recipes, you must need to read some facts about Christmas Coffee.

Why Christmas Coffee is Special?

Christmas coffee have some special and unique taste to celebrate this Christmas with your loved ones. Christmas is a season of joy and light. Moreover, you can lift your Christmas coffee taste on Christmas day by trying our tips and recipe for Christmas coffee drinks.

One Christmas cup of coffee can provide you with all of your Christmas cheer.

Christmas Coffee Background

Christmas coffee is a sweet tradition for Christmas; Christmas celebrations with your loved ones on a frosty winter night with hot beverages are a blessing in the busy life of now a day. Christmas coffee is the greatest component to get you in the holiday spirit because its preparation takes no time.

Since ancient times, coffee has been a component of many Christmas traditions. It is particularly linked with a Christmas cup of coffee in the northern parts of the world where coffee is quite significant.

When coffee at Christmas was considered “Black Gold “ and a “Family Thing”: Coffee and Christmas are linked in regions like Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and Russia. The celebrations would not feel complete without a Christmas coffee pot on the table or a festive cup of coffee as
a gift.

In the 19th century, back when coffee was considered a luxury, “Black Gold” was regarded as a superb present. A thoughtful gesture was always seen to be bringing coffee as Santa coffee.

Merry Christmas Coffee at Dinner: During the Victorian era, families frequently gathered just to roast Christmas coffee beans and prepare coffee drinks for Christmas, as it was seen the perfect holiday beverage at Christmas dinner.

Christmas Coffee Drinks Spirituality

Christmas is a time when generosity is prevalent between Christmas and coffee. “Caffè sospeso” is another custom that is linked with a Christmas cup of coffee that honors this feeling. The custom is also referred to as “pending coffee, Christmas celebrations in a cup of coffee”.

It promotes compassion by paying for a stranger’s coffee anonymously. The custom started in the working-class cafés of Naples, a customer with good luck would order a sospeso. One pay for two coffees, but receive one to drink.

Making Christmas Coffee

The second Christmas cup of coffee that had been purchased would then be made available to any needy individual. The sospeso has been adopted by many nations to increase sales while also encouraging goodwill through a Christmas cup of coffee.

So here are some Christmas coffee ideas, you can use to prepare your Christmas cup of coffee.

Best Christmas Cup of Coffee

You must include vanilla extract, cardamom, cinnamon, and cocoa powder in the Christmas coffee cup recipe that will make your Christmas and coffee special.

Keep in mind that the additions you make to your Christmas coffee pot can affect how nutritious it is. Use naturally sweet spices and flavorings coffee on Christmas day and up to two tablespoons of milk.

Tip 1: Always have fresh coffee beans

Without any doubt, coffee tastes the finest when consumed soon after it is roasted. The most certain approach to obtaining the furthest freshest Christmas coffee beans in a Christmas coffee pot is to purchase from a local roaster.

Then you can roast coffee yourself to enhance your Christmas cup of coffee taste and make it special coffee on Christmas day. Don’t purchase and store bulk coffee. So, you can make your good morning Christmas coffee or make coffee drinks for Christmas evening.

Tip 2: Keep coffee beans fresh for Christmas coffee

Always store opened coffee beans in an airtight container. Glass canning jars or ceramic storage crocks with rubber-gasket seals are good choices. Never refrigerate (roasted beans are porous and readily take up moisture and food odors).

Flavor experts strongly advise against ever-freezing coffee, especially dark roasts to enjoy Christmas coffee flavors of your own choice. Optimally, buy a five- to seven-day supply of fresh coffee beans at a time. Keep them at room temperature to make them the best Christmas cup of coffee this year.

Tip 3: choose good coffee for Christmas

The two most popular beans available are “Arabica and Robusta”. Arabica beans are thought to be the “better bean”. Since they are more commonly produced, have a larger variety of Christmas coffee flavors, and are more widely available.

Robusta beans, known for their higher caffeine concentration but harsh flavors, might be used in inexpensive substitutes.

Tip 4: keep your equipment neat and clean

To prevent an oily buildup for Christmas coffee drinks, clean storage containers and grinders every few weeks to make the best coffee for Christmas.

We are here with delicious and authentic Christmas coffee recipes that will help you to prepare special Christmas coffee flavors. You can enjoy this festive with friends and family. So, you must try our Christmas coffee ideas to enjoy every sip of Coffee with your loved ones.

Make your own Christmas Coffee blend

To make your own Christmas coffee blend you can use these ingredients.

  • Unsweetened chocolate
  • Peppermint
  • Hazelnut flavoring/syrup
  • Caramel
  • Butterscotch
  • Maple syrup extract
  • Honey

Here is a recipe for a delicious Christmas coffee:


  • 1 cup of brewed coffee
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of milk
  • 1/4 cup of heavy cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • Whipped cream, for topping (optional)
  • The ground cinnamon, for topping (optional)


  • In a small saucepan, combine the coffee, sugar, milk, heavy cream, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Stir to combine.
  • Heat the mixture over medium heat until hot, but not boiling.
  • Pour the coffee into a mug and top it with whipped cream and a sprinkle of ground
    cinnamon, if desired.
  • Enjoy your delicious Christmas coffee!

You can also use instant coffee instead of brewed coffee if you prefer. Simply mix the instant coffee with the other ingredients in a mug and microwave for 1-2 minutes, or until hot. Stir well before serving.

Starbucks Christmas Coffee blend

This blend of coffee was introduced by Starbucks in 1984 when Starbucks had only five shops and only sold whole-bean coffee, tea, and spice instead of beverages and food.

With an expertly balanced combination of vibrant Latin American beans and mellow Indonesian coffees, the new coffee blend demonstrated Starbuck’s expertise in roasting and blending.

Christmas coffee blend Starbucks

Sumatra beans that were matured for three to five years to produce a full-bodied, spicy, and rich cup of coffee were added as the finishing touch.

The hand-scooped Christmas blend bags were rapidly purchased by customers. When coffee opens on Christmas air the shops were filled with its roasted-sweet aroma. Christmas Blend has grown to be a beloved tradition of Christmas festive.

Starbucks coffee is made of Arabic coffee. Here are some Starbucks coffee blends specialized for Christmas such as “Christmas Blend”, “Decaf Christmas Blend’ “Starbucks VIA Instant Christmas Blend” and “Starbucks Reserve Christmas 2021”.

Here are some other Christmas coffee blends recipes which you can use to double up your Christmas joy.

1. Flavored Coffee Beans for Christmas Coffee

Prepare yourself for all the nice, fuzzy vibes! Our 100% premium Arabica Christmas Country coffee beans mix the toasty flavors of chestnuts, graham crackers, and maple syrup. Whether you reside in Miami or the North Pole, a cup of this coffee will make you nostalgic for snowmen.

Christmas coffee beans for flavored coffee

2. Eggnog and Creamy Coffee

Eggnog has been a beloved Christmas tradition for countless generations. The best thing is that making them is quite simple.


  • 2 cup milk
  • Half a tablespoon of ground cinnamon
  • Half a tablespoon of ground nutmeg
  • Half a tablespoon of vanilla extract
  • Egg yolks of 6 eggs
  • Sugar in granulated form
  • Heavy whipped cream

Recipe for Eggnog and Creamy Coffee

Heat the eggnog and cream slowly in a saucepan after whisking them together. All that’s left to do is add the coffee once the hot, frothy liquid has formed. Depending on how strong your coffee is, try adding a cup or two of espresso.

After that, relax and enjoy Christmas with this rich Christmas coffee blend.

3. Maple Flavored Christmas coffee

For an additional special treat, baked pumpkin doughnuts or apple pie cupcakes go great with whipped maple coffee in the fall. You can say it is Christmas iced coffee.


  • One cup of almond milk
  • Half a cup of ice
  • Half a cup of coffee
  • 3 tablespoons of maple syrup

Recipe for Maple Flavored Christmas Coffee

In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine coffee, boiling water, and sugar. Beat at a high speed with the whisk attachment until soft peaks form. Then blend for a few more seconds after adding the maple syrup.

The whipped coffee and a little extra dab of maple syrup with ice should be added to the milk cup on top. Enjoy right away.

4. Christmas coffee with Irish cream

Even without the alcohol, Irish Cream coffee captures all the well-known tastes and mouthfeels—creamy, nutty, and rich. Pair with heavy whipping cream or perhaps a small scoop of vanilla ice cream to make Christmas iced coffee.


  • Jigger
  • Wisk and bowl
  • Mixing spoon

Recipe for Christmas coffee with Irish Cream

You can choose any type of Irish cream liqueur or coffee creamer. For your coffee, you can even make your Irish cream. Add some tasty toppings to the cream, such as chocolate shavings, chocolate sprinkles, or a touch of cinnamon, to personalize this Irish cream coffee.

5. Hazelnut Christmas coffee

Most coffee drinkers will concur that a macchiato is delightful but not particularly celebratory. Add some hazelnut syrup for a flavor that recalls the aroma of nuts roasting over an open flame and make a merry Christmas coffee cup.


  • Hot black coffee
  • 3 tablespoons hazelnut coffee creamer
  • Sugar of your own choice

Recipe for Hazelnut Christmas Coffee

Simply get some hazelnut syrup and pour a small amount into a small cup before adding an espresso shot. Sprinkle some cocoa powder on top and add a small dollop of foamed milk.

6. Salted caramel espresso with milk foam

This creamy salted caramel macchiato has the perfect balance of sweetness and salt.


  • 2 oz espresso
  • 2 oz steamed milk
  • 2 tablespoon caramel sauce
  • Pinch of coarse salt
  • Whipped cream

Recipe for Salted Caramel Espresso with Milk Foam

Prepared with frothed milk, espresso, and handmade salted caramel sauce. No coffee shop beverage compares to the deliciousness of this macchiato! stick to espresso and foam while still indulging yourself in a salted caramel flavor.

7. Christmas peppermint coffee

Candy canes are one of the few things that bring back Christmas memories for us, so it stands to reason that peppermint flavor would also evoke holiday coffee recipes. We adore peppermint-flavored coffees for this reason.


  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Cocoa powder
  • Coffee
  • Peppermint flavor
  • Vanilla extract
  • Whipped cream and chocolate for topping

Recipe for Christmas Peppermint Coffee

You must first boil the water, and then you must add the sugar. The next step is to thoroughly whisk it. This must be done until it dissolves. You must now add mint or peppermint extract.

Following that, you must steep it for 15 minutes. You will eventually obtain syrup with a powerful flavor. The syrup can now be stored in the refrigerator after the mint leaves have been removed.

The unsweetened chocolate bar and milk will then need to be heated together. A thick texture will result. Afterward, set it aside. Put this milk mixture in a glass jar and give it a good shake. After that, pour it into the serving cup and stir tablespoons for 2 minutes.


Good for mental health

Coffee has an impact on our bodies just like anything else we put into them. Many coffees include an antioxidant characteristic, which means they’ll help your neurotransmitters function better and maintain the health of your brain cells. Daily coffee consumption has been associated with a lower risk of several diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Lower risk of diabetes

Numerous studies throughout the years have demonstrated that the more coffee you consume, the lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. Compared to persons who drink two cups or less of coffee per day, those who drink between four and six cups per day may have a 30–35% lower risk of developing diabetes. Don’t worry if six cups of coffee seem excessive to you; decaffeinated coffee has the same impact.

Prevent stroke

The fourth-leading death cause for women, stroke, is less likely to affect women who drink at least one cup of coffee each day.


Increased risk for nutrients loss

Unfortunately, coffee has effects on you beyond its antioxidant benefits. Coffee also contributes to the losing calcium, which is then excessively excreted in the urine. Chronic coffee drinkers may eventually increase their chance of developing diseases like osteoporosis, in which the bones become brittle.

Chance for weight gain

Coffee has a reputation for being an appetite suppressant, therefore people who want to eat less, frequently drink it. Our blood sugar levels might fluctuate drastically when we consume caffeine, which can result in a desire for sweets. Then, we are inclined to eat something fatty and sugary as a snack, which can have an opposite impact from what was intended.

Sleeping problems

Sleep loss is a genuine issue for frequent coffee consumers, making it possibly a significant coffee drawback. It takes 6 hours for coffee to completely exit your system. So, it’s usually best to avoid drinking any or much after 6:00 P.m.

End words

Christmas is a time for celebration and spending time with loved ones. One way to make the day special is by enjoying a delicious cup of coffee. There are many different types of coffee that you could try, but some popular options for the holiday season include seasonal flavors like peppermint, gingerbread, and eggnog. You could also try a classic blend like a dark roast or
espresso to give your coffee a rich, bold flavor. No matter what type of coffee you choose, make sure to enjoy it in good company and make the most of the holiday season!


Christmas coffee is a type of coffee that is flavored with seasonal spices and flavors, such as peppermint, gingerbread, and eggnog. It is typically enjoyed during the holiday season as a way to add a festive touch to the traditional cup of coffee.

Christmas coffee can be made at home using ground coffee beans and a coffee maker, or it can be purchased at a coffee shop or cafe. Some people also like to add a splash of cream or a sprinkle of cinnamon on top of their Christmas coffee for added flavor and festive touch.

The flavor of Christmas coffee can vary depending on the specific ingredients and the individual’s taste preferences. Some people may enjoy the festive flavors of peppermint, gingerbread, and eggnog in their coffee, while others may find these flavors to be too strong or overpowering.

If you are not sure whether you will like the flavor of Christmas coffee, you could try making a small batch at home using a small amount of the seasonal spices, or you could ask for a sample at a coffee shop before purchasing a full cup. Additionally, you could try adding a small amount of cream or sugar to your coffee to balance out the flavors and make it more to your liking.

Coffee Santa is a festive and flavorful drink that can be enjoyed during the holiday season. To make this coffee, you will need the following ingredients:

To make the coffee, simply combine the hot coffee, white chocolate sauce, heavy cream, vanilla extract, and cinnamon in a blender and blend until smooth and frothy. Pour the coffee into a mug and top with whipped cream and sprinkles, if desired. You can also add a candy cane or other festive garnish to the mug for an extra touch of holiday cheer. Enjoy your Santa white Christmas coffee hot and fresh for a tasty and festive treat.

There are many ways to vary this holiday coffee recipe to suit your taste. Here are a few ideas to try: Add a splash of orange juice or a teaspoon of orange zest to the coffee mixture for a festive citrus flavor. Substitute the heavy cream with coconut milk for a rich, tropical twist. For a non- alcoholic version, try using flavored syrups instead of sugar. You can find a wide variety of flavors, such as peppermint, hazelnut, or pumpkin spice, at most coffee shops and online. Remember, the key to a great Christmas coffee is to have fun and experiment with flavors that you enjoy. So don’t be afraid to try new things and come up with your twist on this classic holiday drink.

A festive cup of coffee could refer to a variety of different things, depending on your personal preferences and the occasion you are celebrating. Here are a few ideas for making a festive cup of coffee:

Add some holiday flavors to your coffee, such as peppermint, cinnamon, or pumpkin spice. These can be added to your coffee as syrups, creamers, or spices, or you can try using flavored coffee beans. Decorate your cup with festive designs, such as snowflakes, holly, or gingerbread men. You can use stickers, markers, or even edible glitter to add a bit of holiday cheer to your cup.

Serve your coffee in a festive mug or cup. There are many options available, from traditional holiday designs to more modern and whimsical styles. Choose a mug that matches your style and the occasion you are celebrating.


  • George Oliver

    George Oliver is a passionate coffee aficionado and a seasoned writer known for his expertise in the world of coffee and specialty coffee recipes. With over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, he has become a trusted authority on all things related to this beloved beverage. George's remarkable journey into the world of coffee commenced as he worked behind the counter as a barista at a cozy local café. His insatiable curiosity and dedication to perfecting the art of coffee led him to explore coffee cultures around the globe, from the bustling streets of Istanbul to the serene coffee plantations of Colombia. George's passion for coffee extends to the creation of innovative coffee recipes that tantalize taste buds. From velvety espresso-based masterpieces to revitalizing cold brew delights, his recipes have garnered a devoted following of coffee aficionados eagerly anticipating his next culinary revelation. As an accomplished writer, George has shared his passion and knowledge through numerous articles, and blogs. His writing not only explores the history and science behind coffee but also delves into the intricacies of crafting the perfect cup. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting your coffee journey, George 's writing offers a wealth of information to satisfy your curiosity.

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